Saturday, 2007-02-24

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mithrohowdy nash04:14
JLPmithro: i've just requested an account at opensuse build service -
tpbTitle: Welcome - openSUSE Build Service (at
JLPwill see how this will work out for building packages for diferent distros04:31
mithroJLP: been trying to reduce the average age of tracker items04:33
JLPmithro: yeah i've seen, 5 bugs closed yesterday04:34
mithroan average age of 200 days is quite a long time :)04:40
mithrowhere are these promised screenshots?04:41
mithroJLP: so how goes everything04:44
mithrodid you get the gentoo packages working in the end?04:44
JLPyeah, now i'm only waiting for the new releases with fixes integrated and for a fix for mysql/linux kernel problem04:46
mithronew releases of tp stuff?04:50
mithroI want to fix this bug
tpb<$> (at
mithroand then I'll do a release of the stable branches05:00
mithroI have no comments on my blog :/05:01
nashWhich means no spam ;-)05:15
mithroi guess every cloud has a silver lining05:15
mithronash: so um screenshots :)05:19
tpbTitle: "Planet Thousand Parsec" (at
JLPmithro: i think it would be better to filter posts by category, so only TP posts on TP Planet05:38
mithroJLP: i wasn't sure05:38
nashnah - just get the lot - partial sets of posts are annoying05:39
* nash (ironically enough) goes back to setting up his blog05:39
nashmithro: Get the screenshots?05:39
mithronash: yes, cool05:40
mithroJLP: i wasn't sure if it should be "What are thousand parsec people up to?" or "What other thousand parsec news exists..."05:40
JLPmithro: hm i am also not sure, but lean more towards TP only related posts05:43
JLPmaybe other people will have to say what they think05:43
mithroit needs some themeing love too05:46
JLPyeah, my post images look very out of place :)05:48
* mithro wonders what to write on this Engament Card, "Hope this one works out better then the last" springs to mind :)05:51
jothamdamn real life05:53
jothammy friend who is making the explosion has just had a second kid05:53
jotham6 weeks old05:54
jothamso he doesn't have as much time as he used to fuck around with stuff with me :\05:54
jothamthe reason AI will wipe out mans civilisation is because real-life is the single biggest threat to the evolution of computer software/code05:55
mithrohe he05:56
mithrotell him to put it back in ;)05:56
JLPjotham: what do you think, should Planet TP only have posts about TP or all posts from developers blogs?05:58
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JLPthen i guess it should be all posts, it also gives a richer picture about the developer06:03
mithroJLP: maybe have 2 feeds?06:11
mithrotp only and everything?06:11
mithrocan use the tp only one on the front page side bar?06:11
JLPif this is possible then i think it would be nice06:16
jothami've been defragging my main file server (60+ user file server here at home)06:17
jothamit's been going since 5am06:17
jothamit's at 13% done06:17
mithrowhy do you have 60 users at your home?06:27
jothamoh, heh06:30
jothamthey arn't in my home, i run a small community for musicians to share what they make/ like06:30
jothambeen going since 2003 or so06:31
jothamoh it uses a third party encrypted bbs package06:54
jothamKDX06:54 i think06:54
jothamonly for win/mac06:54
jothamoh well i couldn't wait for my friend, i made my own explosion animation07:09
jothambut it's too many frames right now (250)07:09
nashBTW: Has anyone considered doing a google summer of code thing?08:01
jothammy friend did it last year (iirc) he works on adium, the macintosh gaim port/fork08:09
jothamenjoyed it08:09
* nash meant for TP itsef08:10
jothamyeah i think it'd be a good idea08:10
nashAnd you get $500 US for TP too08:10
nashJust find an appropriate list of projects08:10
nashAnd put them up08:10
nashAnd also free publicitiy08:10
jothami swear my girlfriend has tried on like 9 outfits08:12
jothami just want to go08:12
nashOnly nine?08:12
jothamsince i have been sitting here waiting08:12
nashmakes more sense ;-)08:13
jothamwhat's the best format to share video with linux users08:18
nashElse an xvid codec or something supported by ffmpeg08:19
nashI have to say.. one thing about gettng my actual AI to work is it is forcing me to really get my ducks lined up in the engine08:44
* nash is going to get some bread09:37
CIA-20Lee Begg <> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (order.cpp order.cpp):10:11
CIA-20When unpacking orders, check the remaining frame length:10:11
CIA-20 Second in the set of patches to fix order unpacking.10:11
CIA-20Lee Begg <> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (9 files):10:11
CIA-20When unpacking the orderparameter, check there is enough data in the frame:10:11
CIA-20 Part of a few patches to fix validing orders as they are unpacked. This one10:11
CIA-20 is for the orderparameters. Was simpler than I thought.10:11
CIA-20Lee Begg <> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/player.cpp :10:11
CIA-20When doing ProbeOrders, check the return on order inputframe:10:11
CIA-20 Check the return of Order::inputFrame to make sure it's valid.10:11
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llnzhi all10:15
* nash will return shortly10:18
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-02-24T10:39:00 not replied to.10:41
mithronash: pong?12:38
mithronash: o well, you can read this on scroll back12:43
mithronash: had quite a few chats with the SoC people, even met Leslie in person at LCA, she personally would love to give TP a helping hand but tp is a niche (turn based stratergy) of a niche (computer games)12:44
mithrocurrently trying to organise some free google adwords for us12:44
JLPhi all13:46
mithrohey JLP13:54
mithrodid you add a screenshot to the sf page?13:54
JLPmithro: yes13:56
mithroJLP: okay13:56
JLPmithro: when looking at the list of turn based strategy games it was the only one without an thumbnail13:57
mithrohe he okay13:58
mithroJLP: can you access ?14:31
JLPmithro: no14:32
JLPmithro: i added a comment on your blog :)14:37
tpb<> (at
mithroyeah just got an email14:45
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