Friday, 2007-02-09

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mithrohey people08:39
mithrohow is everyone today?08:39
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zipolaI just woke up and asked the repair man to take a look at my dropped and broken fire alarm device.09:05
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llnzlots of commits coming, brace yourselves11:09
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * libtprl/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Prep for 0.1.2 release11:09
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * libtprl/tprl/ (console.cpp console.h): (log message trimmed)11:09
CIA-11Added redrawLineForce for forcing an update of the line:11:09
CIA-11 Sometimes redrawLine just isn't enough (for example, in tpserver-cpp).11:09
CIA-11 Sometimes redrawLine just isn't enough (for example, in tpserver-cpp).11:09
CIA-11[Tidy up and added some new methods11:09
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]>**2007020811393711:09
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * web/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Releasing libtprl 0.1.211:11
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CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * web/news/ ( Spelling in latest news11:19
adhokevenen all =)11:19
llnzhi adhok11:20
adhokhi llnz  =)11:22
adhokis llnz, lee?11:22
adhokyou did a slot in the lca2007 miniconf on ortopsy of a project right?11:23
adhokortopsy isn't the right word tho11:23
llnzi did a talk on the lca2006 game dev BoF11:24
adhokyeah ...11:24
adhoksort of BoF in review ?11:24
adhokso, you mentioned that there are games that sit on top of TP11:25
llnzTP is the framework for creating the games11:26
adhokand you spoke about games that say on top11:26
adhoki would like to setup a server on the local wireless lan11:27
adhokand am looking to setup something to interest the guys =)11:27
llnzwell, minisec is playable11:27
adhokllnz: so you mentioned some worlds that saty on top?11:28
adhoka startrek like one11:28
adhokand a star wars like one?11:28
adhokor am i thinking of netrek?11:28
llnzthey are both possibilities, i don't think anyone is working on them yet11:28
llnzanother storm of commits coming11:29
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/ (10 files in 2 dirs):11:29
CIA-11Require new version of libtprl, use new features and set prompt:11:29
CIA-11 libtprl 0.1.2 allows the server to set whether signals are caught by readline11:29
CIA-11 or not. The signal catching was interfering with another bit of code when11:29
CIA-11 DNS records could not be looked up, making the console fail.11:29
CIA-11 Added redisplay method to Console, to use libtprl's redrawLineForced().11:29
CIA-11 Set a prompt to help people identify the console ("tpserver-cpp>")11:29
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (logging.cpp logging.cpp):11:29
CIA-11Remove calling reconfigure on the LogSinks:11:30
CIA-11 With SettingsCallbacks, there is a better way. Next patch is using it in ConsoleLogger.11:30
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (20 files):11:30
CIA-11Removed reconfigure from LogSinks, call Console::redisplay in ConsoleLogger:11:30
CIA-11 In ConsoleLogger, a SettingsCallback is used to get when the log_colour setting is changed.11:30
CIA-11 Also in ConsoleLogger, added '\r' to get back to the beginning of the line, and after11:30
CIA-11 printing out the log message, redisplay the console (redisplaying the prompt and what the11:30
CIA-11 user has typed.)11:30
tpbNew news from Libtprl 0.1.2 released.11:31
llnzminisec, as basic as it is, is already 1958 lines of c++11:36
llnzand then there is the media, etc11:37
adhokok, so there is enough there to play something between a couple of people?11:49
adhokok cool =)11:49
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * libtprl/tprl/ :11:51
CIA-11Fixed library interface:revision:age:11:51
CIA-11 Oops, should have checked the docs first, but I was offline.11:51
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * web/downloads/libtprl/libtprl-0.1.2.tar.gz : Small fix to libtprl-0.1.2 tar ball11:57
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * libtprl/: (log message trimmed)11:59
CIA-11Fixed library interface:revision:age:11:59
CIA-11 Oops, should have checked the docs first, but I was offline.11:59
CIA-11[TAG LIBTPRL_0_1_211:59
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]>**20070209104243]11:59
CIA-11> {11:59
llnzadhok: shows that our metaserver knows about 3 games in progress12:05
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Metaserver Server Listing (at
adhokllnz: i really would like to get a server up and running this weekend =)12:06
adhokim crashing now, but see you later =)12:06
llnzadhok: shouldn't be too hard, i should be around in the NZ evenings12:09
llnzi had better go too12:09
* llnz wanders off12:09
llnzlater all12:09
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