Monday, 2006-12-25

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tpb<mithro@worldforge> Merry Xmas!02:08
tpb<mithro@worldforge> Intresting graph
tpb<tpb@worldforge> <> (at
tpb<JLP@worldforge> mithro: merry christmas02:47
tpb<mithro@worldforge> JLP: doing anything for Christmas?02:47
tpb<JLP@worldforge> these graphs realy look nice, i hope that the trend continues in 2007 :)02:47
tpb<JLP@worldforge> nothing special, reading a bit, decorating the appartment, waiting for snow (well this one is special this year)02:48
tpb<JLP@worldforge> today i'm visiting my cousin and i'll bring him and his family the new opensuse 10.2 box i got02:49
tpb<JLP@worldforge> so most o the day i'll probably be at cousins, talking, and upgrading their computer02:50
tpb<mithro@worldforge> he he okay03:22
tpb<mithro@worldforge> have fun03:22
tpb<JLP@worldforge> i will, i have to go sleeping a bit, already 4:33 in the morning :)03:33
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tpb<mithro@worldforge> Demitar: ping?12:32
tpb<mithro@worldforge> Demitar: ping?12:32
tpb<CIA-1@worldforge> * libtpclient-py-dev/tp/client/ ( Python only strptime hardcoded to english.12:35
tpb<CIA-1@worldforge> * tpclient-pywx-dev/windows/ (7 files): Accelerators on all windows.12:55
tpb<CIA-1@worldforge> * tpclient-pywx-dev/extra/ (4 files): Cache the converted version.12:55
tpb<CIA-1@worldforge> * scratchpad/setup.bat : Added update of tpclient-pywx-dev13:00
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tpb<mithro@worldforge> Demitar: ping :P15:02
tpb<CIA-1@worldforge> * tpclient-pywx/extra/ ( Fixes for window's flickering - backport for dev.15:02
tpb<CIA-1@worldforge> * tpclient-pywx-dev/extra/ (5 files): Fixes for windows flickering.15:03
tpb<CIA-1@worldforge> * tpclient-pywx-dev/windows/ ( Popup menu on multiple Goto objects.15:42
tpb<CIA-1@worldforge> * tpclient-pywx-dev/extra/ : Fixed typo.15:43
tpb<CIA-1@worldforge> * tpclient-pywx/extra/ : Fixed typo.15:43
tpb<CIA-1@worldforge> * libtpclient-py/tp/client/ : Fixed exception - backported from -dev.15:52
tpb<Demitar@worldforge> mithro: Boing!16:16
tpb<mithro@worldforge> Demitar: could you update libtpclient-py and check that the locale problem is still fixed?16:16
tpb<mithro@worldforge> the locale stuff turned out to be a very bad thing to do...16:17
tpb<Demitar@worldforge> Is demo1 down?16:18
tpb<mithro@worldforge> It appears so :/16:22
tpb<mithro@worldforge> lousy C++ :P16:22
tpb<Demitar@worldforge> If it's simply crashing nohup is your friend. :)16:23
tpb<mithro@worldforge> nohup?16:25
tpb<Demitar@worldforge> Automagically restarts applications.16:25
tpb<mithro@worldforge> ahh but a simple while loop would do that too16:25
tpb<mithro@worldforge> Lee wants a chance to debug it :P16:25
tpb<Demitar@worldforge> Coredumping would be the right thing to do. :)16:26
tpb<mithro@worldforge> I used Python, segfaults arn't often a problem16:27
tpb<mithro@worldforge> do you know anything about C++?16:28
tpb<mithro@worldforge> well, I guess I should head to bed16:36
tpb<mithro@worldforge> have a good night16:40
tpb<Demitar@worldforge> Goodnight. :)16:54

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