Sunday, 2015-07-05

*** tpb has joined #pettycoin00:00
*** c0derz has joined #pettycoin06:36
c0derzhello is there a pettycoin equvivalent that is not an alpha grade software06:36
c0derzsomething that is alteast of beta quality ??06:36
c0derzmithro: ^06:37
c0derztpb: ^06:37
mithroc0derz: see rusty's latest posts06:37
c0derzmithro: link please .. i am reading his blog06:54
c0derzbut could not find it in the first 10-15 posts06:55
mithroc0derz: I don't think anything prod quality exists - but things like lightning networks might provide it in the future06:56
c0derzi just want distributed crypto transactions06:57
c0derzsomething that is not "alpha" would be nice that is all06:57
c0derzalpha meaning .. it could wipe everything or mislead me in a horrible way06:58
*** c0derz has quit IRC08:11
*** mithro has left #pettycoin08:19

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