Thursday, 2014-10-09

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Robert_SGrr.  HTML, why can't you align things properly?18:34
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* Robert_S bangs head against CSS.21:10
MatthewWilkesit's no fun, is it?21:14
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Robert_SIt is fun.21:34
Robert_SI like it a lot.21:34
Robert_SThis is one of the stupider issues I've had.  See post to melange-soc-dev.21:34
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Robert_Sideas welcome.21:44
MatthewWilkesthat is a fun one, I'll grant you21:52
MatthewWilkesI have bad memories of the IE 3 pixel whitespace bugs of old21:52
Robert_SYour font-size: 0 trick does the job.21:53
MatthewWilkesI tested it before emailing. jsfiddle's great for that kind of stuff21:54
Robert_Si need to add jsfiddlle to my toolkit21:56
MatthewWilkesI love that front-end frameworks are so good these days. I am more comfortable just applying the right class21:56
MatthewWilkesAlthough, I once had a client fire me for "spending too much time on styling" because the guy hadn't heard of Bootstrap and thought it was so pretty that I must have spent ages on it… :/21:57
Robert_SI spoke too soon.21:57
MatthewWilkesThat was a fun one, as I'm sure you can guess21:57
Robert_SIt fixed my test case, but not the real world.21:57
buildbot_melangebuild #30 of runtests is complete: Failure [failed Building source. Test run.22:03
buildbot_melange1278 tests22:03
buildbot_melange 1 errors22:03
buildbot_melange 18 skipped22:03
buildbot_melange 1259 passed Generating Documentation.]  Build details are at  blamelist: Robert Spier <>22:03
tpbTitle: Buildbot: runtests Build #30 (at
Robert_SI'd better fix that.22:05
MatthewWilkesOoh, I like the GCI home page22:06
Robert_SDoesn't it look mostly like the old one?22:06
MatthewWilkesI've never done GCI22:10
MatthewWilkesWe did GHOP a few years ago, but the workload was too high for us22:10
MatthewWilkesso didn't apply again22:10
* Robert_S nods.22:10
MatthewWilkesTo be honest, I really dislike the textured backgrounds of the gsoc pages22:13
Robert_SI am not a fan of the design overall either.22:13
Robert_SIn my real case, I was using a right and left padding/margin.22:15
Robert_SIf I only use a left one, I don't get the skew.22:15
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ollyit's a shame the layout seems to be designed for people with a portrait oriented screen22:20
Robert_SThere's some work in place to start making things more responsive, although that's more about mobile.22:21
ollyi've not really used it on my phone, but I'd guess it actually works OK there22:21
Robert_SNot really.22:21
ollyhmm, well I'd check but the wifi doesn't seem to be reaching my office today22:22
buildbot_melangebuild #31 of runtests is complete: Success [build successful]  Build details are at
tpbTitle: Buildbot: runtests Build #31 (at
Robert_SAll better.22:25
Robert_S(Also, welcome to the melange buildbot bot.22:25
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