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burakkilinc | hi I have a question | 13:06 |
burakkilinc | when I go to google-melange.com , It says me "connection timed out" | 13:06 |
burakkilinc | when I go to socghop.appspot.com , No problem | 13:06 |
burakkilinc | I can go and see on www.socghop.appspot.com | 13:06 |
burakkilinc | why can I go www.google-melange.com? | 13:07 |
burakkilinc | Can anybody help me? | 13:07 |
ptressel | burakkilinc is a GCI student in Turkey. We are trying to mark a task as completed. | 13:08 |
ptressel | He was able to access the task on socghop.appspot.com up until a short while ago, but can't get to it any more. | 13:08 |
ptressel | It is now getting a 500 error. | 13:08 |
ptressel | He can get to socghop.appspot.com but not to the specific task. | 13:09 |
ptressel | http://socghop.appspot.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/ssf/t129102984365 | 13:09 |
tpb | <http://ln-s.net/8DuC> (at socghop.appspot.com) | 13:09 |
ptressel | I can get to it from the US. | 13:09 |
ptressel | In the past, he has not been able to get to www.google-melange.com at all, and uses a proxy to get to socghop.appspot.com | 13:10 |
ptressel | tpb, are you responding to us? | 13:11 |
ptressel | Is tpb a bot? | 13:12 |
ptressel | If so, it's sure not useful. | 13:12 |
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ptressel | Anyone... Was there a change made to socghop.appspot.com in the last half hour or so that would affect service to Turkey? | 13:14 |
ptressel | Sverre, hello! | 13:14 |
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GautamGupta | Why am I seeing a "Server not found" error on google-melange.com? | 13:21 |
ptressel | SRabbelier, one of my gci students can't get to his task on melang any more, starting about 45 min ago. | 13:21 |
GautamGupta | Even I'm a student. :) | 13:22 |
GautamGupta | From which organization are you? | 13:22 |
ptressel | He can't get to www.google-melange.com at all -- some ISP issue from Turkey. | 13:23 |
GautamGupta | Even I can't access that from India | 13:23 |
ptressel | Let me finish describing my student's problem. | 13:23 |
GautamGupta | Though this works - http://socghop.appspot.com/ | 13:23 |
tpb | Title: GCI Home (at socghop.appspot.com) | 13:23 |
ptressel | So he has been using socghop.appspot.com instead. | 13:23 |
ptressel | He can still get to that, but he cannot get to the specific task he's working on any more. | 13:24 |
ptressel | We're wondering if something changed on this side. | 13:24 |
GautamGupta | Hmm.. I can visit a task page | 13:24 |
ptressel | Hang on -- it just came back. | 13:25 |
ptressel | Ok, so it was something transient, for a very large value of transient. | 13:26 |
GautamGupta | Hmm.. google-melange.com is still not up for me | 13:26 |
ptressel | What about socghop.appspot.com? | 13:27 |
ptressel | Can you still get to that? | 13:28 |
GautamGupta | Yup | 13:29 |
ptressel | Maybe try traceroute to www.google-melange.com | 13:29 |
ptressel | Or tracert if on windows. | 13:29 |
GautamGupta | After doing the tracert.. the site's up now ;) | 13:32 |
ptressel | ha | 13:33 |
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SRabbelier | ptressel: hi | 13:38 |
ptressel | Hello! | 13:42 |
SRabbelier | ptressel: is the problem solved now? | 13:42 |
ptressel | I think there may just be gremlins... | 13:42 |
ptressel | burrakkilinc can get to his task again, so yes. | 13:42 |
ptressel | I, on the other hand, just got a 500 when attempting to create a new task. ;-) | 13:43 |
ptressel | But it succeeded on a retry. | 13:43 |
SRabbelier | ptressel: what url? | 13:43 |
ptressel | http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/ssf/t129207482977 | 13:43 |
tpb | <http://ln-s.net/8Duh> (at www.google-melange.com) | 13:44 |
ptressel | That's the task I just inserted, so probably not relevant. | 13:44 |
ptressel | The task the student was having trouble getting to was: http://socghop.appspot.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/ssf/t129102984365 | 13:44 |
tpb | <http://ln-s.net/8DuC> (at socghop.appspot.com) | 13:44 |
SRabbelier | ptressel: so you did manage to create the task? | 13:44 |
ptressel | Yes, by retrying the same post. | 13:45 |
SRabbelier | ptressel: transient then | 13:45 |
ptressel | Gremlins! | 13:45 |
ptressel | The student's outage persisted for about 45 minutes. | 13:45 |
ptressel | But it could be network related. | 13:46 |
ptressel | OTOH, he did get a 500 error. | 13:46 |
ptressel | In any case, it's not happening now. | 13:46 |
SRabbelier | ptressel: I just fixed that :) | 13:47 |
SRabbelier | ptressel: the 500 that is | 13:47 |
SRabbelier | ptressel: we're over blobstore quota, so students' can sue the "upload to Melange" feature | 13:48 |
ptressel | Aha! | 13:49 |
ptressel | Can or can't? | 13:49 |
ptressel | Aha, just saw the message, so that would be "can't". | 13:55 |
SRabbelier | can't, sorry | 13:57 |
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SRabbelier | ptressel: seems to be fixed | 14:00 |
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ptressel | Aha, thanks!! | 14:02 |
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dreimark | SRabbelier: is it possible to see the timestamp when a task was closed. I like to sort by that | 20:57 |
dreimark | nothing like that in columns | 20:57 |
SRabbelier | dreimark: ah, no, I don't think we store that | 21:01 |
dreimark | SRabbelier: is there some id which linear increases if they are moved to closed status | 21:18 |
SRabbelier | dreimark: nope, we store it in a json field though | 21:34 |
SRabbelier | dreimark: so we could mine it at some point | 21:34 |
SRabbelier | dreimark: could you email melange-soc-dev@googlegroups.com and suggest exposing the history field as a hidden field on the 'list all tasks' page? | 21:36 |
Jumpyshoes | SRabbelier: i think my mentor already submitted this to the tracker, but http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/videolan/t129107763944 is still registered as "Unknown" instead of "Difficult" for the task difficulty, do you know when it will be fixed? | 21:48 |
tpb | <http://ln-s.net/8E2t> (at www.google-melange.com) | 21:48 |
SRabbelier | Jumpyshoes: can you find the link in the tracker? | 21:49 |
SRabbelier | Jumpyshoes: I can fix it but don't want to do so without notice from the mentor | 21:49 |
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Jumpyshoes | SRabbelier: can you link me to the tracker? | 21:53 |
SRabbelier | Jumpyshoes: http://code.google.com/p/soc/issues/list | 21:53 |
tpb | Title: Issues - soc - Project Hosting on Google Code (at code.google.com) | 21:53 |
Jumpyshoes | thanks | 21:54 |
dreimark | SRabbelier: sended | 21:57 |
SRabbelier | dreimark: thanks | 21:57 |
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Jumpyshoes | SRabbelier: i can't find it, would it be okay if my mentor talked to you instead? | 22:04 |
SRabbelier | Jumpyshoes: yup | 22:04 |
Jumpyshoes | kk | 22:05 |
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Dark_Shikari | SRabbelier: Jumpyshoes said you needed mentor confirmation. | 22:13 |
Dark_Shikari | Now you have it. | 22:13 |
SRabbelier | Dark_Shikari: what's your link_id in Melange? | 22:14 |
Dark_Shikari | how do I get that? | 22:16 |
Dark_Shikari | oh, just my username | 22:16 |
Dark_Shikari | darkshikari (link_id: darkshikari) | 22:16 |
Dark_Shikari | according to the top right of melange | 22:16 |
SRabbelier | Dark_Shikari: yup | 22:18 |
SRabbelier | Dark_Shikari: can you email me from your darkshikari account saying the task should be changed? | 22:19 |
SRabbelier | Jumpyshoes: what's -your- link_id? | 22:20 |
Jumpyshoes | SRabbelier: jumpyshoes (link_id: jumpyshoes) | 22:20 |
SRabbelier | Jumpyshoes: you have 40 points atm? | 22:20 |
Jumpyshoes | yup | 22:20 |
SRabbelier | Jumpyshoes: ok, upped to 43 | 22:21 |
Jumpyshoes | er, is there even a 3 point difficulty? | 22:21 |
SRabbelier | Jumpyshoes: lol, 46 I mean | 22:21 |
SRabbelier | typo ^^ | 22:21 |
SRabbelier | f'me | 22:21 |
SRabbelier | 44 | 22:21 |
SRabbelier | I give up | 22:22 |
Jumpyshoes | yea, i thought 6 was too much | 22:22 |
SRabbelier | Dark_Shikari: please do send that email though | 22:22 |
Dark_Shikari | ok one moment | 22:22 |
Dark_Shikari | what's your email? | 22:22 |
SRabbelier | Dark_Shikari: srabbelier | 22:23 |
SRabbelier | Dark_Shikari: gmail ofc | 22:23 |
Dark_Shikari | sent | 22:23 |
SRabbelier | Dark_Shikari: thanks | 22:24 |
SRabbelier | points have been changed, fixing the difficulty on the task now | 22:24 |
Jumpyshoes | SRabbelier: thanks | 22:25 |
SRabbelier | Dark_Shikari: ok, all set | 22:25 |
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