Saturday, 2018-03-03

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aliasdhi all, am trying so hard to get multiplayer going, but am running into some sort of compatibility issue. Both clents are Debian, but one is 32 bit and the other 64. Connection does not work either way. Client has a blank screen. Thought it was a networking issue, so created a new network and flushed out all iptables rules, just left all policies ACCEPT. Nothing. Client says:15:50
aliasd2018-03-04 02:36:48.660138 [error] Client : Message.cpp:796 : ExtractGameStartMessageData(...) failed!  Message probably long, so not outputting to log.15:50
aliasdError: unrecognized XML syntax15:50
aliasdafter this the client hangs trying to save game on exit15:51
aliasdFreeOrionCH v0.4.7.1 [build ???] CMake15:51
aliasd(installed from stretch-backports repo, on both machines... I upgraded to try and resolve the issue)15:52
voker57aliasd: report it on github
tpbTitle: Issues · freeorion/freeorion · GitHub (at
aliasdwill do, but in a day or two after i set up a different server on genpoo or arch to see if it is the debian uild's fault16:25
aliasdty for the reply tpb16:25
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