Saturday, 2018-01-20

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db-cxO01eg: why not ensure directory is created first?06:42
db-cxah ,nm ;)06:43
O01egThere was some issues with boost::filesystem::canonical06:43
O01egI have to skip it if path isn't exists06:45
db-cxyou want lexically relative then?06:45
O01egI want them be real relative but have to compare them lexically06:58
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Ci-DevHey there. :)12:52
Ci-DevAnyone likes to play FO multiplayer?12:53
Ci-DevI am compiling current master right now.13:15
O01egI prefer to use test build commit so it will be simpler for windows and mac users.14:16
Ci-DevO01eg: Hm?14:16
Ci-DevI can probably compile anything that's in Git.14:16
O01eg0e7f977 latest build14:17
Ci-DevOkay. So I compile that one then?14:18
O01egYes. I publish server version here
tpbTitle: FreeOrion View topic - Multiplayer server up (at
Ci-DevOh, there is an official multiplayer server. :o14:20
O01egNot yet official14:20
Ci-DevDoh. Used -j2 instead of -j4.14:24
Ci-Dev50% compiled.14:34
Ci-DevThis SMAC thingy looks pretty interesting as well.14:37
Ci-DevBut doesn't SMAC stand for Sid Meiyers(sp) Alpha Centaury?14:38
O01egIt's not SMAC edition.14:38
Ci-DevI know. But you have the link in your forum signature.14:39
O01egNow it mostly community plays something, not only SMAC14:39
Ci-DevI see.-14:40
O01egnot only TBS14:40
Ci-DevTBS = turn based strategy?14:40
Ci-DevThere is more?14:40
O01egSometimes play Factorio14:41
Ci-DevThe Wikipedia plot section reads like Minecraft.14:42
tpbTitle: Factorio - Wikipedia (at
Ci-DevLooks funny.14:44
Ci-DevBut bit like Transport Tycoon as well.14:45
O01egYes its mostly about automatic factory and tower defence not simply sandbox.14:45
Ci-DevIs it Java like Minecraft or compiled native binary?14:50
O01egIt's native and very optimized C++ code.14:51
O01egFactorio devs posts about it in their site.14:52
Ci-DevI read the FAQ. But it didn't say that.14:52
Ci-Dev91% compiled by the way.14:52
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Ci-DevIs it supposed to work that I can draw from stockpile even though I am not on a supply line?17:59
Ci-DevI can nicely build my colony from stockpile. ;)17:59
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Ci-DevO01eg: I have to run for food. See you in 20-30 minutes?20:24
O01egNo. I'm going to sleep20:25
Ci-Devgg then :)20:25
Ci-DevThink we won.20:25
Ci-DevQuit then?20:26
Ci-DevWas fun.20:26
Ci-DevI started as Sly.20:26
Ci-DevSly and Exobot, what a population.20:26
Ci-Devbbl, sleep well20:27
O01egIt makes autosaves if anything20:27
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