Tuesday, 2017-11-21

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ChilestuffIiiii'm baaack02:01
Chilestufftech/build question02:01
ChilestuffIf I design a ship with level 1 lasers, will it upgrade as I gain levels, or do I have to redesign?02:02
ChilestuffSector: you alive?02:09
rookie1i'm 9+ months out of date... but last i remember, i wasn't aware of ship upgrades02:40
rookie1essentially the old design is grandfathered (stuck) with that ship02:40
SectorAs long as the ships are within supply they will upgrade refinements to the same weapon type (didn't used to).02:55
ChilestuffI thought it might, swince there's only one icon for each type03:02
* Chilestuff suffers from FFS03:03
ChilestuffSince I can't see lanes, how do I know if I'm in supply?03:04
ChilestuffIs it determined by distance from planet/outpost?03:07
SectorSmaller planets can give a boost to the supply distance, also some technologies/buildings (such as an elevator)03:09
ChilestuffI currently have fleets at no more than 2 turns from a planet or outpost03:15
ChilestuffBut in empty space guarding an intersection03:16
ChilestuffDo I need to go to a base to upgrade?03:16
SectorYou can check if the weapons get upgraded by seeing how much damage they can do.03:16
SectorNope, empty space wouldn't matter.03:17
ChilestuffAnd how long does it take?03:17
ChilestuffIn an average galaxy, how many usable planets should you expect in your starting area?03:18
SectorIt'll vary a good bit, don't know there is any particular expectations.03:19
ChilestuffIn 5 systems I have found 7 habitable planets and 2 outposts03:20
ChilestuffAnd I found out the hard way mass drivers SUK vs even light shielding03:23
ChilestuffLost an entire fleet to a 2 ships03:23
ChilestuffIf I have def. grid/laser ships, will MD/zortrium be effective or should I scrap the old ones?03:26
SectorIf nothing else they can still absorb hits.  Though there's also fleet upkeep which is reflected in each ship you have making additional ships cost a little more.03:50
SectorAll planets can eventually be made habitable.03:51
ChilestuffSo I use em for fodder03:52
ChilestuffSux that I have 2 fleets of 10 each ... that's a lot of fodder03:56
ChilestuffI remember an old game where battles would leave salvage floating in space, or falling to the surface over planets03:57
ChilestuffIt was common to follow attack groups with freighters  :)03:58
ChilestuffAnd one very memorable game when a fleet heavy with chaff scouts hit a mine field and left a red streak of salvage across half the map04:01
ChilestuffAnd of course without the chaff the fleet was chewed to bits04:01
ChilestuffBy habitable I mean nothing worse than adequate from the start04:04
ChilestuffI was very happy to find all those pretty blue planets  :)04:05
ChilestuffWell, off to see the wizard04:05
ChilestuffThanks for the help Sector04:05
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