Sunday, 2017-04-09

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xrogaanI wouldn't have known if you didn't tell me00:04
xrogaanit doesn't give a lot of information though.00:05
xrogaanThe new system has an accretion disc, but no planet. I suppose there will be no chance to get a naturally formed planet in that system now?00:06
L29Ahdb-cx: should i try bisecting that starlane bore bug?00:08
db-cxdid not realize the description was so brief, if you are using a test release: from pedia index click on Field Type00:08
L29Ah02:55:45]<xrogaan> I wouldn't have known if you didn't tell me00:08
L29Ahyou can righ click on it00:08
db-cxthat would be great, might start around pathfind changes00:08
L29Ahhope your save will be workable00:09
db-cxme too ^^00:09
xrogaanI assumed it was part of the decor, not an actual object :)00:09
db-cxneed a tutorial, but that is a long way off00:10
xrogaanYou could put border on the object when the player mouse over it, indicating there is something interactive.00:12
xrogaansame with the fleet icons.00:12
xrogaanoh wait, there is one but not at the moment I checked.00:13
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xrogaanI was in the production tab, which seems to disable that highlighting.00:13
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db-cxpossibly, but I kind of like how fields fade into bakground, might suggest on forum00:14
db-cxxrogaan: what version/build are you playing with?00:15
xrogaanv0.4.6, advertised on the website.00:16
xrogaanI haven't read any documentation though, and so far I'm not lost :)00:17
db-cxi am ;)00:19
xrogaanthe self gravitating hull has a core slot, but I can't find any sub system to fit in.00:51
SectorThere's a couple of engine parts and a spinal antimatter cannon.00:52
L29Ahlots of them, most of them are totally useless00:57
L29Ahyou can see them in the designer if you enable unavailable parts00:58
xrogaanoh, right00:58
xrogaantrans-spacial drive00:58
L29Ahxrogaan: if you love the game after winning a few single player matches, join us in
tpbTitle: FreeOrion View topic - Multiplayer community looking for more players (at
xrogaanit would be better to aggregate the different builings per system instead of per planet. I installed plenty of redundant stuff around.01:22
xrogaanBeside, if I am creating an armada, I don't really care which planet it comes from...01:22
xrogaanbut I need one that has the proper structures, which is annoying to find.01:23
xrogaan(this is why I construc everything everywhere)01:23
xrogaanthe production being shared and all :p01:23
xrogaanwell, I don't really play multiplayer, not good for my mental health.01:28
L29Ahdrawing cocks with colonies doesn't seem good either01:44
L29Ahai is too dumb01:44
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L29Ahbisecting freeorion is a pain because of all the boost api breakages17:18
L29Ahi wonder if we should be making branches dedicated to boost fixes every release or so17:18
L29Ahand maybe produce minor releases with such stuff17:19
db-cxL29Ah 1.63.0?17:45
db-cxsome of the latest can be worked around by setting BOOST_PHOENIX_NO_VARIADIC_EXPRESSION17:54
L29Ahthe problem is that you have to remember those17:56
L29Ahinstead of rebasing/cherry-picking from a branch17:56
db-cxfor next boost version, ill propose using project17:57
db-cxick, looks like beta is already out :/17:58
db-cxgithub feature to organize commits/prs17:59
L29Ahdoesn't seem relevant17:59
db-cxgit tag? a branch may need to rebase18:07
L29Ahi don't understand you18:11
L29Ahi propose the release maintenance branches that you can rebase on some commit in the middle of the development one to get all the boost and other external environment-related fixes18:12
db-cxbe a good forum topic, otherwise if something crops up, I will mention18:17
tpbTitle: FreeOrion View topic - Maintenance branches and minor releases? (at
adrian_broherL29Ah, there was once some discussion about bugfix release but nobody pressed for creating some process to handle this.18:34
adrian_broherdb-cx, the point is to cherry pick bug fixes from the master on top of a release branch and creating bugfix releases (e.g. starting from 0.4.6, cherry-picking boost related bug fixes to this release branch, releasing after some time).18:37
adrian_broherL29Ah, does git rebase even handle patch application for every bisect step?18:38
adrian_broheror do you apply those afterwards?18:38
db-cxI believe he means to create a separate branch for fixes only related to external changes (e.g. new boost version), based on last release18:39
db-cxwhere previous discussion was for all bug-fixes?18:40
adrian_broherL29Ah, I meant git bisect of course, not git rebase18:45
L29Ahit doesn't, but you can use bisect run to apply fixes18:47
L29Ahor just git bisect bad/good; fix;18:48
tpbTitle: FreeOrion View topic - Compile Problem (at
db-cxok, ty18:51
L29Ahlast time i bisected freeorion i did lots of cherry-picks and then git reset --hard 'HEAD^^^'18:52
L29Ahthe biggest problem is to find what to cherry-pick18:52
adrian_broheryeah, sure. A preselected list of bugfixes from a release would help there probably.18:53
adrian_broherBut you have to keep in mind that we try to improve this in general.18:54
adrian_broherThings were much worse a few years ago.18:54
L29Ahi don't think you can improve boost behaviour18:56
L29Ahand just cloning it into the repo like some other projects do is a bad way to handle the problem18:57
db-cxgood news is no issues so far on 1.64 beta 2 after applying
tpbTitle: Adjust to serialization array changes by jhunold · Pull Request #46 · boostorg/ublas · GitHub (at
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xrogaanwhat is hpp?23:10
xrogaanis it something related to cpp but not quite?23:11
L29Ahit's a c++ header23:11
xrogaanis .h uncool?23:12
L29Ahit seems (:23:14

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