Tuesday, 2016-08-30

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AfdalDoes restoring AI empires from a multiplayer saved game work yet or what04:43
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voker57Afdal: restoring AI empires?16:02
Afdalfrom a saved game16:03
Afdalsaved multiplayer game, specifically16:03
voker57you mean loading a game with AI-driven empires?16:03
Afdalhasn't worked in the last year or so that we've tried it16:03
Afdalif it ever was functional16:03
voker57saving/loading mp games with ai empires works well16:03
Afdalwell it doesn't for us I:>16:04
voker57with current git?16:04
Afdalunless we're doing something wrong here16:04
voker57what goes wrong?16:04
AfdalWe just tried it again with last week's Windows build16:04
AfdalSo you goto load game on the multiplayer window right16:04
Afdalthe humans join the game16:05
Afdaland then you start it up?16:05
Afdalwell the AI empires don't load16:05
Afdalso you end up with empty factions16:05
Afdalthat do nothing16:05
voker57no, first you add as much AIs as you used to have16:05
AfdalI thought about trying that but we didn't have time16:05
Afdalokay then :)16:05
Afdalthat should probably be part of the save file you know though16:06
Afdalsometimes it's hard to remember how many AIs you were playing with16:06
voker57well if you add an extra one it does not get auto-assigned an empire16:06
Afdaldoes it create its own empire?16:06
voker57no, it just doesn't have empire assigned16:06
Afdalso it gets eliminated?16:07
voker57I think game refuses to start like that16:07
voker57this is clear before actually starting the game16:08
Afdalwell okay16:08
Afdalwe'll try it again tonight probably16:08
AfdalI know you guys are dying for more multiplayer tests :316:09
voker57me and my friends are playing mp a lot recently and submitting some bug reports actually :)16:10
Afdalhey have you ever come across a bug where the chat stops functioning16:12
Afdalstops sending out text to other players even though it seems to work on the client's end16:13
AfdalThat was a problem for a long time16:13
voker57didn't know there's a chat in freeorion16:13
Afdalnow sure if it still is--we didn't encounter it last night16:13
Afdalthe bottom left window that displays the turn progression info is where the chat resides16:13
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