Monday, 2015-10-05

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o11cCi-Dev: for one thing it's not what C++ templates were intended to be used for, so it is *extremely* taxing on compilers.01:48
o11cCi-Dev: and it's a fairly terrible parsing algorithm01:48
Ci-Devo11c: You are talking about the way boost uses templates?02:41
Ci-DevOr the extreme use of templates in boost?02:41
Ci-DevIt seems as if the RelWithDebInfo takes more memory than just Release target.02:42
o11cCi-Dev: no, the use of templates in Spirit specifically03:09
o11cI've used it before03:09
o11cI had to force compile flags to -O1 to prevent the compiler from taking > 1 minute per file03:13
o11c(with O2)03:13
o11cand with O0 templates are horrible, inlining cuts down object size a lot03:18
o11call in all - real parsers aren't hard03:23
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