Saturday, 2015-07-25

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*** Ci-Dev is now known as Ci-Dev_20:41
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Ci-DevIs it know that the tests do not compile?20:46
SectorHmmm?  There's been a problem uploading new test builds.20:46
Ci-DevI mean, if I enable BUILD_TESTS for CMake.20:47
Ci-DevYeah, there is no test build for last Monday.20:47
Ci-DevBut I've read that 0.4.5 is about to be released soon.20:48
Ci-DevSo maybe that's related, no idea.20:48
Ci-DevBuilding CXX object parse/test/CMakeFiles/test_parsers.dir/test.cpp.o20:48
Ci-DevThat one is compiled then BUILD_TESTS is enabled in CMake,.20:49
Ci-DevBut it fails.20:49
SectorIt's an upload problem that's why there's no new test builds right now.  But yes there should be some.20:51
Ci-DevOkay. Those are quite handy for multiplayer so that all players have the exact same version.20:52
Ci-DevThe most fun by the way is (for me right now) to play a game with standard settings and 15 AIs.20:53
Ci-DevIt is quite crowed in the beginning, which makes it challenging.20:53
Ci-DevMy computer cannot handle more AIs due to memory limitations.20:54
Ci-DevI only have 4 GiB of RAM.20:54
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