Friday, 2014-01-10

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STalKer-Xdoes not compute00:00
ADlVlof vip warranty...  i assembled my first pc from parts and  last years due to new xp had to take noob warranty option to avoid having again gear that does not work  ... does not work properly already archived after install firefox and visit 5 sites00:01
STalKer-Xi assembled my pc last year too, but had no difficulties.00:02
STalKer-Xok, the ram had to be exchanged. but that's all.00:03
ADlVlmy was about 2 decades ago00:03
STalKer-Xit's normal that 20 years old hardware does not work ok in modern times for modern tasks00:03
ADlVlcan build ict up from atoms , design circuits00:03
ADlVlnotebook is btw new product00:04
STalKer-Xno need to. there are experts making premade parts00:04
ADlVli show them a lot00:04
ADlVlyou can hardly obtain hw which does not consist my constribution and for sure no pc00:05
STalKer-Xbut you need a "noob warranty option"?00:06
ADlVldue to someone do invade into my gear  ... with warranty option i can shift problems  to peope which like to investigate gear that is deeply corrupted more than it is by design etc00:08
ADlVleg when install sygate fw before symantec bought and crippled it can find win kernel opening connections into internet00:09
STalKer-Xyou mean your hardware gets infected by evil people?00:09
ADlVldue to kernel need assitance to manage a pc ... perhaps it is called fog 2.0 technology ... before inet existed kkernel did that autonomously00:10
STalKer-Xi think you must be a very important person00:10
ADlVli think that is right00:10
STalKer-Xwow, i am impressed00:10
ADlVlwell,  so much trouble on my way - i am as welll proud  )00:11
STalKer-Xi guess such a smart guy like you could teach me many things :o00:12
STalKer-Xabout computers and stuff00:12
ADlVl:)  i would enjoy00:12
ADlVlwhat do you want to learn?00:13
ADlVlwell, you said me could and not you want .. quite  different matter  :)00:16
STalKer-Xhm, dunno. you could tell me more about your expertise, maybe?00:17
tpb<> (at
ADlVlnot per direct pointd items .. could but should I?    eg there came up afaik any new processor architecture  which does not base on my participation :)  the better I did even not share00:19
ADlVldo you know that number cruncher in a  game console?00:20
ADlVlfails for logic performance but crunshes well nums ..  I am not impressed00:21
ADlVleven it concerns to me00:21
ADlVldo you know cpu  which can do 128 threads real parallel?00:22
ADlVlswitchzilla, thumper ,  falls and rock00:23
ADlVlsolaris won many awards like for zfs00:23
STalKer-Xdid you ever write a book?00:24
STalKer-Xjust curious.00:25
ADlVl:)   no ... prefer backstage and other thank for award00:25
ADlVldue to special issues00:26
ADlVli do not like living as vip .. so I got quasi worse of both00:27
STalKer-Xi see00:27
ADlVlabout informatic ... what you are working on?  I like to discuss you matter as a^2+b^2=c^2 may be correct but does not really explain without good background how to utilize i00:30
ADlVlfor physics I did contribute much lesser even could00:30
STalKer-Xi though a^2+b^2=c^2 was proved?00:33
ADlVli did not say it is wrong but someone who is new and critical could assume that is not true as long as dont know its proof00:34
ADlVlc=1 true00:35
ADlVlcomplete induction  from gauss00:36
ADlVla'^2+b^2= (a+1)^2 + b^200:36
STalKer-Xi find euclids proof more elegant00:37
ADlVli dont know it .. i just try00:38
ADlVldid he know number space is warped  ?00:38
AfdalWhat do you think of bitcoin?00:39
ADlVlis it electronic money?00:39
ADlVlI know someone like virtual values and same like digital meanings to control them00:40
ADlVlis bitcoin free than it is endangered00:40
STalKer-Xi don't know if you can prove pythagoras by induction. ;D00:40
ADlVl=a^2+2a+1 +b200:41
ADlVlaccording to peano axioms which is construction description for natura nums00:42
ADlVlresp one of two considered to be equivalent .. 2nd bases on ordinal number of sets00:42
ADlVl= a^2+2a+1+b^2+2b+1 = a^2+b^2+2a+2b+200:44
ADlVl= c^2+2a+2b+200:44
ADlVldow ... can not recursively init anoter complete indcution ..  dunno what the showstopper is00:50
ADlVlcan not set a^2+b^2 to c^2 as hermitic useless meaning00:51
ADlVlbut need result like 2=200:51
STalKer-Xi don't think it's possible, because a b and c don't follow a fixed pattern00:51
ADlVlit does00:51
STalKer-Xwhich one?00:52
ADlVl1 is natural number00:52
ADlVl?? 3100:53
STalKer-Xbut 41 is not the ² of a natural number00:53
ADlVlI did not try to look for c++ a pair a,b00:53
STalKer-Xi only look for natural numbers, as those are the easiest00:54
ADlVlI did as well but  a++ and b++00:54
STalKer-Xeuclid's proof is elegant and wonderful and constructive :D00:56
ADlVlsorry ... hhad to pass this time .. plz tell me the smart way :)00:56
STalKer-Xoh, time to go away.00:56
ADlVli had to pass since years  but now stick here00:57
STalKer-Xi meant me :p00:57
ADlVlthought to do coding with you ^^00:57
ADlVlbtw there exist meaning  to construct grammar correct sentence as catch to check behavior00:58
ADlVlthough about one time about ..00:58
ADlVlhowever,  don't try wrong category .. there is no other like me00:59
ADlVlwere no other but out of sscope here01:00
ADlVlbtw did not know if can proof pythagoras this way resp think to know that should work but did never read that approach was done before I have just to remind01:02
ADlVlthough about private comm btw ...  remind window opened .. feel another time stupid01:03
ADlVljoin hoomer next time to show me his tricks ..  fear he is superior now *grml*01:04
ADlVlto tired to anger about ..  :) have to pass btw01:05
ADlVlsorry for flush channel01:06
ADlVlprefer informatic due to most xp with ...  may anybody have topic plz01:08
ADlVlmcafee sec-sw is that advanced that it can tell me that firewall was disactivated another time ... if next update can even pretend that ?  sure business as usual01:12
ADlVlpretend wrong .. mean omit01:12
ADlVldev-blog failed, comm-desaster, time to try today's 3rd .. perhaps check out inet for odd supplies01:22
ADlVlwill better focus on network issues of FO as broken multiplayer does imo adds most value to the game01:24
ADlVlor fix email  .. new vip features avoid login in there01:25
ADlVldev-blog skipped -- remove from todos01:40
ADlVlsvn seems to work .. curious01:40
ADlVlhow about splitting media part from trunk to deal changing artwork diff than changing code?01:41
ADlVlsvn CO performance is scarry .. way of download same in 10x time01:43
ADlVlwould prefer  CO-IMG to download as whole01:45
ADlVlI mean download a Package with eg Name  FO_SVN_CO01:46
ADlVlafaik does CO not contain personal data and  SVN accept valid Images01:47
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Nagilum_hmm, no op :(18:54
Nagilum_in this channel18:55
GeofftheMedioshould the need arise...18:55
SectorFreenode policy tends to prefer not being opped all the time.18:58
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