Tuesday, 2013-07-30

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skulltiphi, getting this when installing the .deb on 12.04 32bit:15:42
skulltipOGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library libGiGiOgrePlugin_OIS.so.  System Error: libGiGiOgrePlugin_OIS.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in DynLib::load at /build/src/ogre_src_v1-8-1/OgreMain/src/OgreDynLib.cpp (line 93)15:42
skulltipsorry, not installing but running15:42
GeofftheMedioyou might need to edit ogre_plugins.cfg and set the PluginFolder line to point to where those libraries are located15:43
adrian_broherAlso tell Apo that he should fix his package.15:47
tomreyna library which goes by this (exact) name is not avialable in ubuntu 12.04 or newer16:20
GeofftheMediothe gigi ogre ois plugin comes with FreeOrion16:21
tomreyni see. looks like playdeb.net have it, too16:22
GeofftheMedioactually, for OISInput, the PluginFolder might not help16:24
GeofftheMedioi think that's only for rendering plugins16:24
GeofftheMediofor the GiGi Ogre OIS plugin, it's loaded differently16:25
GeofftheMedioi'm not sure where it expects it to be on linux, though16:25
adrian_broherskulltip, where did you get the deb from?16:27
skulltipfrom the website, also tried running the latest tar.z from SVN, doing a symlink to home/skulltip as in readme.txt and does't work16:35
GeofftheMediodon't know what you're referring to16:37
SectorHmmm, used to be symlinks where needed when compiling on Linux, though they aren't anymore.  Could be something specific to the .deb though.16:40
tomreynthe system which http://sourceforge.net/projects/freeorion/files/FreeOrion/FreeOrion%20Version%200.4.3/freeorion-0.4.3_rc2_amd64.deb was built on seems to be living in a future. most of these files were created in late august 2013.16:42
tpb<http://ln-s.net/-bcV> (at sourceforge.net)16:42
tomreyn(or will be)16:42
tomreynhmm looks like i also ran into the black screen issue with the 0.4.3-6281 64-bit .deb (Ubuntu 13.04 x64_64 here)16:59
tomreynFreeOrion server waiting for network events16:59
tomreynmain() caught exception(std::runtime_error): bind: Address already in use16:59
tomreynthat's probably because the daemon didn't shut down fast enough when it failed to load an outdated savegame, and theni tried to load another outdated savegame.17:00
SectorTried pkilling it?17:00
tomreynthe daemon isn't running anymore (now), but alt-f4 on the client "worked"17:01
tomreynhmm i guess the daemon process only shuts down when you shutdown the client?  i may have a wrong understanding of what client and server are.17:04
GeofftheMedioshould shut down when you resign from a game17:05
tomreynit doesn't in this case (failing to load / initialize from a savegame), so that's indeed the issue there.17:07
GeofftheMedioshould shut down later if you exit the client then17:08
tomreynyes this does work17:09
tomreynit just means you have to quit client / kill daemon if you tried to load a savegame and it failed.17:10
tomreynwhat does "CA" in freeorionca stand for?17:11
GeofftheMedioclient AI17:11
tomreyni see17:11
GeofftheMedioworks fine for me to try loading, fail, then start a single player game without exiting the client first17:11
tomreyni mean: thank you :)17:11
tomreynhmm, haven't tried this scenario, yet17:12
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tomreyni get a black screen when it's initializing the single player game then, and: [freeoriond] <defunct>17:13
tomreynlooks like the daemon is killed when you enter the single player game menu17:13
GeofftheMedio_that's when it would normally start one up17:14
tomreynbut then fails to properly quit / restart17:14
tomreyni mean the old one, which was still running form when you tried loading the savegame17:14
GeofftheMedio_my statement remains relevant17:15
tomreynno doubt :)17:16
tomreynand zombies will eat ya17:16
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