Thursday, 2013-03-28

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GeofftheMedioSheltem: maybe01:43
Sheltemmay I wait 6 hours to answe?01:44
Sheltemonce outposts serve some purpose01:46
Sheltemlike minor production/research01:47
GeofftheMediostill do. at the least, they extend supply lines01:47
Sheltemnow, they do nothing01:47
GeofftheMedioenemies can't colonize your outposts without invading first01:47
Sheltemand it somehow looks I cant bomb away hostile outposts01:47
GeofftheMedioI think they also have some uses for getting bonuses from some techs, possibly related to neutronium or asteroids or similar01:48
Sheltemdo I need troops for invasion or colonists?01:48
GeofftheMedioyou can't bomb them "away"... you can bombard their shields and construction down01:48
GeofftheMedioyou can colonize your own outposts with colony ships01:48
Sheltemhm, Im sure I had 2 troops transporters in orbit an there was no option for grounding them01:48
GeofftheMedioneed to knock out shields first01:49
GeofftheMedioand have adequat edetection01:49
GeofftheMedioempire detection strength01:49
GeofftheMedioresearch some intelligence techs01:49
SheltemI need to "see" the outpost which is harrassing my own colony every turn?01:50
GeofftheMediobeing able to know a planet is present isn't the same as being able to see an outpost on it and be able to attack its defenses01:50
Sheltemalthough this sounds a bit wired01:51
GeofftheMedioidea is to be able to have hidden colonies01:51
Sheltemhard to point out bugs if you complicate game mechanics :P01:51
GeofftheMedioall the details are worked out yet01:51
Sheltemcan outpost still terraform or do I need that special encapsulation technology to terraform hostile planets?01:52
GeofftheMedionot sure01:52
Sheltembtw, Im pretty sure I chose "no" monsters on startup and there are still dyson forests, sentinels and worst snowflakes around01:53
GeofftheMediothat option controls most mosters, but specials add some independently01:54
GeofftheMedioor some native species01:54
Sheltemwhy did you implement snowflakes?01:55
Sheltemthey are annoying01:55
Sheltemif not dangerous01:55
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Sheltemwhy where snowflakes implemented, geoff?02:13
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Nagilum_Sheltem: someone watched Star Trek02:37
tpb<> (at
GeofftheMedionew linux build any time soon nagilum_?02:42
Nagilum_another build just finished02:43
Nagilum_Arch had some issues due to a boost update..02:43
GeofftheMediofor the ubuntu repository thing... is that binaries you make also, or just a premade auto build thing?02:44
Nagilum_these debs are based on the same binaries02:44
GeofftheMedioand do you have to host that yourself, or can it be put on sourceforge as well?02:44
Nagilum_there are some symlinks in the repo directory02:45
Nagilum_not sure what kind of interfaces you have towards SF02:45
GeofftheMediojust upload files02:45
GeofftheMedioif you can put the symlinks into a tar or somesuch02:45
Nagilum_it would have to be the whole directory structure02:45
GeofftheMedioit could be a tar of a tirectory?02:46
Nagilum_only if that would get extracted on SF02:46
GeofftheMedioit would downloaded and extracted by the user02:46
Nagilum_ directory browsing is enabled02:46
GeofftheMediokept packaged on sf02:46
tpbTitle: Index of /repo (at
GeofftheMedioso they download one file02:46
Nagilum_that would not be a repo02:47
Nagilum_the idea is that you add the repo to your /etc/apt/sources.d/ and then updates come in automagically02:48
GeofftheMedioand the user can't unzip the repo directory structure locally?02:49
Nagilum_that would be useless, it would be simpler for the user to download the .deb and then install that02:49
GeofftheMediois doing that a problem? (the .deb download)02:50
Nagilum_its what the update tools do..02:50
GeofftheMedioso we can/should put the .deb on sourceforge?02:50
GeofftheMediook, that's what I wanted to know02:50
Nagilum_amd64.deb is ready, now building i38602:54
GeofftheMediosome net issues tonight, so may not grab them immediately02:55
Nagilum_once both are done I do the signing & uploading02:55
Nagilum_no problem02:55
GeofftheMediodo you have sourceforge upload access?02:55
Nagilum_ppl who added my repo will get the updated version automatically :)02:56
GeofftheMediomay not want to do that since save compat\ibility breaks occasionally02:57
Nagilum_true, well you typically still get to say yes before you update anything02:58
* Nagilum_ dreams of an ssd while he watches pacstrap setting up the build root 03:03
GeofftheMedioi'm dreaming of an interne connection that can do something besides irc intermittantly03:05
Nagilum_what kinda show string connection do you have there? ;)03:06
GeofftheMediowhatever the landlords have...  runs through a linksys router i have user but not admin access to03:11
Nagilum_hmm, build failed, it didn't take my -lpthread patch :-/ , retrying differently..03:21
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tpbTitle: FO error - (at
Nagilum_strange..I don't see that on amd6411:13
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GeofftheMedionagilum_: fid you post links to files for the latest linux builds on th forums?18:50
GeofftheMedioyour pastebin build error doesn't match what I have in btMatrix3x3.h at the indicated line... no temP variable used there.18:54
GeofftheMediodifferent versions of bullet maybe?18:58
Nagilum_bullet 2.8118:59
Nagilum_I'll try it later again, in the evening19:00
Nagilum_I'm currently in Houston..19:00
GeofftheMediowere things uploaded that I could be copying over to sourcefoge?19:14
GeofftheMedioI'll infer that houston's not the usual location...19:14
Nagilum_the .deb files are always in
tpb<> (at
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