Monday, 2012-08-27

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raptorso if you don't mind my asking, who is the maintainer or lead developer for GG, and who is for FO (if there is one)?00:00
GeofftheMediotzlaine, and effectively me00:00
raptorfor both GG and FO?  i.e. tzlaine was, and now you are?00:01
GeofftheMediotzlaine for GG, tzlaine was for FO but hasn't done anything in a while so effectively me00:02
raptorah ok, cool00:03
CIA-29freeorion: geoffthemedio * r5174 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/ (CUIControls.cpp CUIControls.h GalaxySetupWnd.cpp): grooming02:06
CIA-29freeorion: geoffthemedio * r5175 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/ObjectListWnd.cpp: Filters dialog internals / layout.02:07
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CIA-29freeorion: geoffthemedio * r5176 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/Condition.h: Added some getters to some Condition classes. Need to do more.06:44
CIA-29freeorion: geoffthemedio * r5177 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (UI/ObjectListWnd.cpp default/eng_stringtable.txt): More condition widget stuff for filters dialog.06:45
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zhurGeofftheMedio: you probably broke a build08:46
zhur/home/zhur/src/freeorion3/FreeOrion/UI/ObjectListWnd.cpp: In member function ‘enumT ConditionWidget::GetEnumValue()’:08:46
zhur/home/zhur/src/freeorion3/FreeOrion/UI/ObjectListWnd.cpp:160:9: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘}’ token08:46
zhur/home/zhur/src/freeorion3/FreeOrion/UI/ObjectListWnd.cpp:160:9: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘}’ tok08:46
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GeofftheMediothrow a few typename before enumT16:02
GeofftheMedioor come back online before I say that again16:02
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GeofftheMediozhur: does it help to throw a typename before some of the enumT22:15
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CIA-102freeorion: geoffthemedio * r5178 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/Condition.h: Added more getters to conditions and fixed some previously added broken getters.22:56
CIA-102freeorion: geoffthemedio * r5179 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/ObjectListWnd.cpp: Removed some broken code that inexplicably didn't cause a compile error in MSVC, but which did on OSX and Linux.22:57

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