Saturday, 2012-08-18

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CIA-16FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r5150 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/ObjectListWnd.cpp: Seemingly got ObjectListWnd to update properly for fleet arrangement changes, though there's probably a crash bug I haven't seen.00:36
CIA-16FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r5151 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/ObjectListWnd.cpp: Fixed rows for fleets outside systems disappearing when collapsed.00:40
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CIA-16FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r5152 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/ObjectListWnd.cpp: Visibility filtering in objects list, including hackish handling of new objects created in client during turn.04:37
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zhurhey, anone getting a compile error in HumanClientApp.cpp?08:06
zhur/home/zhur/src/freeorion/FreeOrion/client/human/HumanClientApp.cpp: In constructor ‘HumanClientApp::HumanClientApp(Ogre::Root*, Ogre::RenderWindow*, Ogre::SceneManager*, Ogre::Camera*, Ogre::Viewport*, const boost::filesystem3::path&)’:08:06
zhur/home/zhur/src/freeorion/FreeOrion/client/human/HumanClientApp.cpp:184:24: error: no matching function for call to ‘GG::OgreGUI::OgreGUI(Ogre::RenderWindow*&, const boost::filesystem3::path&)’08:06
zhur/home/zhur/src/freeorion/FreeOrion/client/human/HumanClientApp.cpp:184:24: note: candidates are:08:06
zhur/usr/local/include/GG/Ogre/OgreGUI.h:132:14: note: GG::OgreGUI::OgreGUI(Ogre::RenderWindow*, const string&)08:06
zhur/usr/local/include/GG/Ogre/OgreGUI.h:132:14: note:   no known conversion for argument 2 from ‘const boost::filesystem3::path’ to ‘const string& {aka const std::basic_string<char>&}’08:06
zhur/usr/local/include/GG/Ogre/OgreGUI.h:123:19: note: GG::OgreGUI::OgreGUI(const GG::OgreGUI&)08:06
zhur/usr/local/include/GG/Ogre/OgreGUI.h:123:19: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided08:06
GeofftheMediodelete your gigi directory and update from svn again08:06
zhurhmmm, I just did this before the compile08:07
zhurlemme try again08:07
zhurno, its the same08:08
zhuris "Updated to revision 5152." in GG correct?08:09
GeofftheMediothere's no way you redownloaded the whole gg directory in 30 seconds08:09
GeofftheMedioand then recompiled it08:09
zhurI ran svn up08:09
GeofftheMedio*DELETE* the whole GG directory from in the freeorion directory08:09
GeofftheMedioit's changed from a SVN external to included in the freeorion repository08:09
zhurhmmm, I did rm -rf GG/ before svn up08:10
GeofftheMedioif you just update, the transition doesn't work right, and fails to download because it thinks the old external stuff is a modified version of the SVN code08:10
zhurmaybe it's because I'm not in top checkout directory?08:10
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GeofftheMediowhere else do you have a GG directory?08:11
zhurI meant I ran svn up from FreeOrion/ dir, not from checkout root08:11
GeofftheMedioI dunno how your svn client works08:12
GeofftheMediobut it didn't work if it took you only as long as the chat messages suggest08:12
zhurwhy you still use svn also? :)08:13
GeofftheMediodon't know what that meant08:14
zhurthere are better SCM out there - e.g. git08:14
GeofftheMedioSVN mostly works fine, and has been for years.08:15
GeofftheMediothere's a git mirror someone was maintaining (perhaps automatically?) if you prefer to use that, though it'll be slightly out of date08:15
STalKer-X_jbut SVN is old and crappy ;O08:18
zhuryeah, it's not worth the switch if it does ok...  though all the projects I participated that were using svn are using git now08:18
STalKer-X_jevery cool project now uses git :O08:18
zhurat least it doesn't need a connection to do diff :D08:19
zhuror log08:19
GeofftheMediosvn diff works fine without a connection for me08:19
zhurmaybe I wasn't right but it takes ages :P08:22
zhurI'm getting an error while configuring GG on a freshly checked-out repo: Error copying file (if different) from "/home/zhur/src/freeorion/freeorion2/FreeOrion/GG/libltdl/config.h" to "/home/zhur/src/freeorion/freeorion2/FreeOrion/GG/GG/ltdl_config.h".08:42
zhurdo I configure it correctly: 'cmake -DBUILD_TUTORIALS=off -DBUILD_OGRE_DRIVER=ON -DBUILD_OGRE_OIS_PLUGIN=ON .'?08:42
GeofftheMedioI don't know how to use the cmake build...08:42
GeofftheMedioparticularly on linux08:43
zhurpity, then I'll try to google it08:43
GeofftheMedioshould be  as the source file I'd guess...08:45
zhuryeah, probably it doesn't get created for some reason08:45
zhur./libltdl/configure used to generate it doesn't have execution permission - weird08:48
zhureeeessshhh it also has Windows endlines :)08:48
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zhurah, seems the fresh build fixed the problem09:50
zhurthough it wasn't because I had incorrect sources :)09:50
GeofftheMedioit probly didn't help09:51
zhurso new GG make install helped09:51
zhurbut that's weird that freeorion uses system GG library when it has own in the sources :P09:52
GeofftheMediothe cmake build hasn't been updated09:52
zhurah, I got it09:52
zhurso did I get right that freeorion now uses own version of GG?09:53
GeofftheMediosupposed to09:53
zhurso now I can make own hacks for GG to be used by freeorion only?09:53
zhurthat's nice!09:53
GeofftheMedioif you can get it to use the gigi sources on the linux build09:54
zhurheh, now I know what to do :)09:54
zhuryou know, I recently tried to disallow freeorion window to resize09:54
zhurbut it turned out that it's not possible in the current plugin design09:55
zhurif I can make own hack for GG probably it'll work09:55
GeofftheMediowon't get committed anyway09:55
GeofftheMediowindow resizing is a useful feature09:55
zhuryou mean with the help of the mouse or through the options?09:56
GeofftheMediomouse more so09:56
GeofftheMedioas it takes effect immediately09:56
GeofftheMedioon windows at least, and probably osx09:57
zhuraha, ok09:57
zhurthen UI windows need to be fixed to resize accordingly, right?09:58
GeofftheMediosome of them09:58
GeofftheMedioor reworked so it's not an issue09:58
GeofftheMediomaybe treat research as a window like sitrep, rather than having it take over the whole screen09:59
GeofftheMediowould need to resize its contents regardless, though09:59
zhurok, I got the idea09:59
zhurhmmm, now after successful build a runtome error: main() caught exception(std::exception): OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library ./RenderSystem_GL.  System Error: ./ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in DynLib::load at /home/zhur/src/ogre_src_v1-8-0/OgreMain/src/OgreDynLib.cpp (line 91)10:00
zhurah, sorry, wrong links10:00
zhurI built my own Ogre so the libs went to a different place than told on the wiki page on how to build the binary10:02
zhurnew objects window is nice :)10:04
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zhurdid anyone make a svnignore for freeorion?10:12
GeofftheMediothere's a bunch of things marked10:12
zhurI just can't find it10:13
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GeofftheMedioproperty of the root Freeorion directory10:14
zhuraha, got it10:18
zhurthere are bunch of cmake stuff not added there10:19
zhurhow does UI update with a new turn?10:50
zhurMapWnd::InitTurn is called maybe?10:51
CIA-16FreeOrion: eleazzaar * r5153 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Roughly added the new Protection Focus, which increases shields, defenses, and troops.14:31
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theTroyHi guys, does anyone know who made those awesome ship designs btw?20:16
GeofftheMediomore specifically?20:16
theTroyGeofftheMedio: a moment20:21
theTroycan't find them now20:22
theTroyseen them a few weeks ago20:22
theTroythose black-orange glowing alien-like models20:22
GeofftheMediofind the filename and check the SVN commit logs for it20:24
GeofftheMedioshould probably say who made it20:24
theTroythanks :) will try.20:29
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