Saturday, 2012-06-23

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CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4921 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Added SetAggressive and SetPassive effects which can set the aggression of fleets, with parsing. These will probably be most useful for monster AI, similar to setting destination system.07:14
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4920 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (Empire/Empire.cpp default/eng_stringtable.txt): Made only aggressive fleets block supply propagation.07:14
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4922 /trunk/FreeOrion/server/ServerApp.cpp: Made non-aggressive fleets be treated as non-combat fleets when determining combat conditions.08:25
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4923 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/ship_hulls.txt: Added a passivity effect to immobile monster hulls, to make their fleets passive.08:26
*** STalKer-X_b is now known as STalKer-Y10:01
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4924 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/AI/ Removed some references to minerals to get AIs moving about again.19:26
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4925 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Added some diplomatic status tracking to empire manager. This doesn't presently do anything or appear in the UI.19:27
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4926 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/BuildDesignatorWnd.cpp:20:34
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Removed unclear "All" production item type button from build selector.20:34
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Hid unproducible production items in build selector when "Unavailable" not selected.20:34
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4927 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/data/art/icons/ (7 files): Added some UI icons.20:58
*** Stranger has joined #freeorion21:45

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