Friday, 2011-09-09

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CIA-29FreeOrion: eleazzaar * r4240 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/ (eng_stringtable.txt planet_specials.txt ship_hulls.txt): Fixed automatic terraforming of Gaian planets -- now with sitrep message.17:06
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CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4241 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/Universe.cpp: Hopefully worked around / fixed a crash during effects processing where an effectsgroup had no valid source object. Why this situation arose, I'm not sure, however...17:46
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CIA-29FreeOrion: eleazzaar * r4242 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (changelog.txt default/planet_specials.txt): made 'abandoned colony' work and made spacemonster nests domesticateable with a colony.19:13
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