Saturday, 2011-07-30

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CIA-19FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4076 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/CUIControls.cpp: Modified SpeciesSelector to only list playable species by default.18:22
CIA-19FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4077 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (10 files in 5 dirs):18:25
CIA-19FreeOrion: -Removed enums for Age, PlanetDensity, StarlaneFrequency, and SpecialsFrequency.18:25
CIA-19FreeOrion: Replaced with a common GalaxySetupOption enum. This is done to make it easier18:25
CIA-19FreeOrion: to add or remove galaxy setup options programatically in future.18:25
CIA-19FreeOrion: -Added a GUI and internal galaxy setup option for life frequency which is supposed to affect the number of monsters and natives generated, but which currently does nothing.18:25
CIA-19FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4078 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (client/human/HumanClientApp.cpp universe/Universe.cpp):20:13
CIA-19FreeOrion: -Made Universe creation adjust native and monster spawn rates according to galaxy setup setting.20:13
CIA-19FreeOrion: -Wrapped multiplayer server starting in a try/catch to show a message box if the server can't be started, avoiding a crash.20:13
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CIA-19FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4079 /trunk/FreeOrion/client/human/HumanClientApp.cpp:21:30
CIA-19FreeOrion: Added (uncommented) some OSX-specific lines to HumanClientApp::Reinitialize21:30
CIA-19FreeOrion: which reportedly make the resolution option menu screen's Apply button work21:30
CIA-19FreeOrion: better when going from windowed to fullscreen. There are still reportedly21:30
CIA-19FreeOrion: issues with going fullscreen to windowed, however I haven't been able to find a21:30
CIA-19FreeOrion: fix.21:30
CIA-19FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4080 /trunk/FreeOrion/client/human/HumanClientApp.cpp: Tweaked MultiPlayerGame setup function on client.21:41
CIA-19FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4081 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/ (species.txt universe_tables.txt):22:14
CIA-19FreeOrion: -Adjusted native / monster spawn rates.22:14
CIA-19FreeOrion: -Added two test non-playable species (that are spacebound or planetbound; in22:14
CIA-19FreeOrion: these cases, both). These show up in game as natives, but aren't selectable as22:14
CIA-19FreeOrion: starting species. They currently are marked as spacebound and planetbound in22:14
CIA-19FreeOrion: species.txt, but this doesn't actually do anything once they're on a planet in22:14
CIA-19FreeOrion: the game, so they can still build ships and colonize.22:15
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