Wednesday, 2011-07-20

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neuro8I didn't see it in the 3.16 notes. Are they programmatically in? Or supported via text files?02:41
neuro8Does this make sense :02:51
neuro8        lower_right_wnd->SizeMove(m_tab->RelativeUpperLeft() + Pt(X(bn_width),Y(m_tab->Size().y)), Size());02:51
GeofftheMediothey aren't in v0.3.1603:02
GeofftheMediothere's no extra text file; they're just added using existing species03:02
neuro8Ah ok03:02
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GeofftheMedioI never remember when you need relative or absolute window positions...03:07
neuro8I'm in a a weird logical puzzle03:08
GeofftheMediolooks like you're overcomplicating things03:08
neuro8Yeah maybe I am03:11
neuro8I had the two windows added. The splitter is there and displaying03:11
neuro8I just can't get it to display between the two windows or make the two windows display between the splitter properly03:11
neuro8I tried to get the logic in : void Splitter::SizeMove(const Pt& ul, const Pt& lr)03:12
neuro8but this is called, then this03:12
neuro8void Splitter::UpdatePosn()03:12
neuro8void Splitter::MoveTabToPosn()03:12
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GeofftheMediosizemove is called when the window is resized or moved03:16
GeofftheMediousually you'd do nothing if the size hasn't changed03:16
GeofftheMediobut if it has, then reposition contents to use up the size03:17
GeofftheMedioput the left / top window at X(0) and Y(0), add its desired width or height, then the splitter would go at X(0) and Y(height1)  .. or .. X(width1) and Y(0)03:17
GeofftheMediothen add the splitter width or height, and the lower right window would extend from X(0) and Y(height1 + splitterheight) to Size() .. or .. X(width1 + splitterwidth) and Y(0) to Size()03:19
GeofftheMediowhere Size() is the size of the whole space you're filling03:19
neuro8Aren't they dependent on the position of the splitter?03:19
neuro8Sorry, computer slowing because I'm building03:19
GeofftheMedioyes, the splitter position determines height1 or width103:20
neuro8Ok, let me try that at least03:22
neuro8There's two parts. One when the splitter moves, the other when the whole window is resize03:22
GeofftheMediohow to move the splitter when the window resizes, I'm not sure.  it needs to respect the contained window minimum usable sizes, which may translate into a minimum size for the whole slitter03:24
GeofftheMedioLayout also has option to set the relative scaling rate of rows and columns.  something similar might be appropriate for splitter03:24
GeofftheMediobut for a first draft, just make a simple assumption, like the lower-right window does all the rescaling when the splitter is resized03:25
GeofftheMedioor equal splitting of resizing between the contained wnds, with the splitter tab moving accordingly03:25
neuro8That's what I was thinking03:27
neuro8That if it lengthens or what-not, it's one window or the other resizing03:27
neuro8Damn xcode crashed03:37
neuro8gotta love ternary conditionals03:47
neuro8Awesome! I got one window and the splitter to work04:23
neuro8Working on the other04:23
neuro8Right, well, at least one works. I'll figure the other out. Thx04:43
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CIA-19FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4065 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/ (Condition.cpp Condition.h): (log message trimmed)15:02
CIA-19FreeOrion: Semi-experimental reworking of a condition (EmpireAffiliation in this case) to15:02
CIA-19FreeOrion: optimize its evaluation in cases where a parameter's value (empire id in this15:02
CIA-19FreeOrion: case) doesn't depend on the object being matched. This is done by checking if15:02
CIA-19FreeOrion: the ValueRef is constant (hard-coded single value, not an object reference like15:02
CIA-19FreeOrion: Source.Owner or LocalCandidate.Owner), and if it is constant, only evaluating15:02
CIA-19FreeOrion: the ValueRef once and then matching all candidates against the single result.15:02
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