Saturday, 2011-01-29

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CIA-17FreeOrion: eleazzaar * r3956 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/data/art/icons/species/ (aerial-02.png floater-04.png insectoid-03.png): three new species icons.01:18
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keissup, i'm trying to compile freeorion (from svn) but I get link errors to some serialize templates13:38
keisany idea what could be going wrong?13:38
keisadding explicit instansiation with xml_(i|o)archive for System::serialize solved this for me14:17
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GeofftheMediokeis: what svn revision are you compiling?19:57
GeofftheMedioand on what OS / compiler?19:59
GeofftheMedioand could you post the full error output?19:59
keisumm, not really sure what rev.. latest I think19:59
keiswith gcc-4.5.2 on gentoo20:00
tpbTitle: Paste #328842 | LodgeIt! (at
GeofftheMediohmm.  There have been a bunch of issues with serializing the System class20:34
GeofftheMediousually it's just crashes during execution due to an "unregistered class"20:34
GeofftheMediobut that was fixed some time ago20:34
GeofftheMediowhere did you need to add code to fix the template instatitiation issue?20:35
keisI did it in SerializeUniverse.cpp20:35
keisbut what I did is not the proper way I guess20:36
keissvn diff
tpbTitle: Paste #328858 | LodgeIt! (at
GeofftheMediothat looks reasonable...20:41
GeofftheMediodo you need both of those additions for it to link?20:42
keisyeah, did not work with only the first anyway20:43
GeofftheMediohmm.  well, I dunno why the System class creates so many problems with serialization.  There's nothing particularly special about it besides the generic name, but that didn't seem to matter for some of the other problems20:45
keisI can't see why that would matter20:50
keisbut then again I have read about 100 SLOC of freeorion :P20:50
GeofftheMedioI don't know how it would matter for a compile error, but it's possible that "System" was the same symbol name as something else, which could lead to linker errors... maybe?20:52
GeofftheMedioand for run-time, it's even more plausible that "system" would appear somewhere such that one part of the serialization engine thought it didn't need to automatically register a class, and then another part would break because of that...20:53
GeofftheMediobut it didn't seem to matter even when we changed the name of the class... so... I have no idea.20:54
GeofftheMedioit's just cursed apparently20:54
keisyeah, there's always that bit in a project that needs a /* here be dragons */20:55
GeofftheMedioso, things seem to work fine after explicitly instatiating those templates, so I'll just commit it.  thanks for reporting...20:58
CIA-17FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3957 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (msvc2010/src/Version.cpp util/SerializeUniverse.cpp): Added excplicit instantiation of System::serialize to fix reported link error with gcc
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CIA-17FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3958 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (3 files in 2 dirs):23:17
CIA-17FreeOrion: -Fixed content parsing bug that was matching the "Target" part of23:17
CIA-17FreeOrion: "TargetPopulation" as the separate "Target" condition, and then matching23:17
CIA-17FreeOrion: "Population" as a separate condition in cases where "TargetPopulation" was one23:17
CIA-17FreeOrion: of several conditions in an "And" condition.23:17
CIA-17FreeOrion: -Fixed typo in eng_stringtable.txt.23:17
CIA-17FreeOrion: -Commented out ValueRef debug output.23:17
CIA-17FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3959 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/AI/ (7 files): AI scripts update by RgnadKzin.23:18
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CIA-17FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3960 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (7 files in 4 dirs): Removed OGDF code to replace with Lathanda's not-quite-finished but functional custom graph layout code.23:49
CIA-17FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3961 /trunk/FreeOrion/msvc2008/FreeOrion/freeorion/freeorion.vcproj: OGDF -> Lathanda changes for MSVC 2008 project files.23:50

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