Saturday, 2010-08-28

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CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3767 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (19 files in 5 dirs): (log message trimmed)01:49
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Added a const Empire getter ClientApp::GetPlayerEmpire.01:49
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Deleted TurnProgressWnd and moved its function into ChatWnd, which as been01:49
CIA-15FreeOrion: renamed MessageWnd to reflect its more general purpose. The UI now stays on the01:49
CIA-15FreeOrion: galaxy map during turn processing, with turn progress messages shown in the01:49
CIA-15FreeOrion: MessageWnd. The MessageWnd change was necessary to replace the TurnProgressWnd01:49
CIA-15FreeOrion: so the player was aware something was happening before the Universe finally gets01:49
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3768 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Disabled turn button while waiting for turn to complete.02:22
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3769 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (client/human/HumanClientFSM.cpp default/eng_stringtable.txt):02:56
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Ensured MessageWnd is hidden when returning to IntroMenu.02:56
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Ensured MessageWnd is visible during turn processing.02:56
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Added a "Returning to Intro Menu" message when resigning.02:56
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CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3770 /trunk/FreeOrion/python/PythonUniverseWrapper.cpp: Changed Python API for Universe::ShortestPath and Universe::LeastJumpsPath to take references to Universe instead of pointers, in the hope of making the functions usable in Python.16:25
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3771 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/OptionsWnd.cpp: Fixed crash opening Options screen related to chat-related options that have been removed.16:58
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CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3772 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/ (eng_stringtable.txt ship_parts.txt): Ship parts and stringtable update by Bigjoe517:48
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CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3773 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (12 files in 6 dirs): (log message trimmed)18:12
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Added PartialTurnUpdateMessage message factory and associated ExtractMessage18:12
CIA-15FreeOrion: function, and new Message enum TURN_PARTIAL_UPDATE. This is used by the server18:12
CIA-15FreeOrion: to update clients with Universe changes after fleet movement but before combat18:12
CIA-15FreeOrion: occurs.18:12
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Updated the AI and human clients to receive and process18:12
CIA-15FreeOrion: PartialTurnUpdateMessage. The human client updates the positions of displayed18:12
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CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3774 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (6 files in 4 dirs):19:22
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Added a "Colonization and Scapping" stage to turn processing messages, as19:22
CIA-15FreeOrion: previously there was a long pause after the last empire's orders were executed,19:22
CIA-15FreeOrion: before fleet movement, which made it appear that the last empire's orders were19:22
CIA-15FreeOrion: taking a long time, which they weren't.19:22
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Fixed issue with mid-turn update where system names disappeared on the map.19:22
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Renamed Generating Universe and AIs stage to just Generating Universe. There aren't always AIs, and the AIs don't take very long to generate compared with the Universe generation and downloading and unpacking...19:22
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