Monday, 2010-05-31

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kr0ddnoMobilGeofftheMedio: i've got it compiled and will test it now15:06
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ojiiah cool there's even an IRC channel for this17:44
ojiigood evening everyone17:45
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kr0ddnoMobilhello ojii18:21
kr0ddnoMobilI need a savegame on linux right before the game crashes when finishing a custom design18:21
kr0ddnoMobildoes someone have such a savegame?18:21
ojiican i delete designs?18:39
ojiiaccidentally saved the same one twice..18:39
ojiihmm now it just seems to have frozen on the "Production and growth" screen18:54
ojiiaha this again18:57
ojii"/usr/local/include/boost-1_42/boost/cast.hpp:97: Target boost::polymorphic_downcast(Source*) [with Target = HumanClientFSM*, Source = boost::statechart::state_machine<HumanClientFSM, IntroMenu, std::allocator<void>, boost::statechart::null_exception_translator>]: Assertion `dynamic_cast<Target>(x) == x' failed."18:57
kr0ddnoMobilojii: thats what i mean19:06
kr0ddnoMobilI need such a savegame before the crash19:06
kr0ddnoMobilthe current build might have fixed that19:06
kr0ddnoMobilcan you send the saveghame to [email protected] ?19:07
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GeofftheMedioojii: no, there's no way to delete designs in the current version19:20
GeofftheMedioojii: if the crash you're seeing is the one kr0ddnoMobil is talking about, the problem is related to building ships with custom designs.  if that's the case, you should be able to prevent the crash by removing such a ship from the production queue.19:24
ojiikr0ddnoMobil, which savegame? i didn't save...21:50
GeofftheMedioyou should have autosaves21:55
ojiiah cool21:57
ojiithey're all gonna be on in a minute21:58
ojiioh wait21:58
ojiithey're huge21:58
GeofftheMediozip it21:58
GeofftheMedioand just include the one from immediately before the crash21:58
ojiiif that's the wrong one, should have the right one22:00
ojiisecond one's gonna be up in 3022:00
GeofftheMediokroddn may be asleep now... but hopefully he'll get to it later22:00
ojiiyea sure22:00
kr0ddnoMobilno, he is alive22:00
ojiibtw, this game is partially in python right?22:00
kr0ddnoMobilthe AI is python scipted22:01
ojiisweet, gotta have a look at it sometime, can someone link me the repo?22:01
ojii(i'm a python coder, always love to see games which have some python in them)22:02
tpb<> (at
ojiireally nice game you guys did there by the way22:05
GeofftheMediostill a work in progress22:06
ojiiyea i know (and noticed :D)22:06
ojiianyway gonna catch some sleep, ttyl22:12
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tpb<> (at
GeofftheMediofirst two sentences22:13
GeofftheMediocould you adjust the static installer to set write permissions appropriately even when run as sudo ?22:14
GeofftheMediowith sudo22:14
kr0ddnoMobili dont know22:14
kr0ddnoMobil.freeorion is not created by the installer22:15
kr0ddnoMobilthe problem occurs when installing and RUNNING freeorion with sudo22:15
kr0ddnoMobilthen .freeorion will be owned by root22:15
GeofftheMediocan you create ~/.freeorion as part of the installer?22:15
GeofftheMedioand perhaps freeorion.log as well?22:16
kr0ddnoMobilit would be a hack and no good idea22:16
GeofftheMedioif freeorion is run as sudo, and it launches freeoriond, does that give freeoriond super user status as well?22:16
kr0ddnoMobilbetter would be to completely disable the RUN NOW button22:16
GeofftheMediois there a way to "RUN NOW" as non sudo?22:17
kr0ddnoMobilnot without going deep into the loki installer code22:17
kr0ddnoMobili would have to maintain it to, then22:17
kr0ddnoMobilmaybe i can do a workaround in my wrapper script22:17
kr0ddnoMobilIf run a sudo I could try to giveup root rights22:18
kr0ddnoMobilor to popup a box informing the user that it is not possible to run with sudo22:18
kr0ddnoMobilwould be a security improvement too22:19
GeofftheMediodon't need to say it's not possible, but could say it'22:19
GeofftheMedios inadvisable22:19
kr0ddnoMobiland then? users are used to click okay and then ask at the forums what the problem is22:23
kr0ddnoMobilIn my oppinion it is better to avoid running as root completely22:23
kr0ddnoMobilThose users that know what they are doing will be able to run as root if they want to22:23
kr0ddnoMobilso, good night :-)23:01
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