Wednesday, 2010-04-28

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CIA-76FreeOrion: tzlaine * r3554 /trunk/FreeOrion/combat/OpenSteer/ (8 files): (log message trimmed)02:54
CIA-76FreeOrion: Serialization of classes derived from boost::enable_shared_from_this<> appears02:54
CIA-76FreeOrion: to be broken. It was supposed to be fixed in 1.43, but the 1.43 beta does not02:54
CIA-76FreeOrion: appear to be fixing our particular problem. I've implemented a horrible hack,02:54
CIA-76FreeOrion: which is to implement boost::enable_shared_from_this<>'s functionality in the02:54
CIA-76FreeOrion: combat classes that previously derived from boost::enable_shared_from_this<>.02:54
CIA-76FreeOrion: This means that the automatic initialization of each object's weak_ptr is not02:54
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CIA-76FreeOrion: tzlaine * r3555 /trunk/FreeOrion/util/SerializePathingEngine.cpp:03:47
CIA-76FreeOrion: Added management of shared_from_this() weak_ptr to PathingEngine::serialize()03:47
CIA-76FreeOrion: missing from previous commit.03:47
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kroddnoMobilGeofftheMedio: whats the current release plan?06:36
GeofftheMediowait until you and .Id have linux and OSX packages available, make a Win32 package for a similar SVN revision, upload, post about it, update front page06:37
kroddnoMobildead lock situation ^^07:15
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GeofftheMediokroddn: how so?  are you waiting for the release to make the package?07:45
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kroddnoMobilGeofftheMedio: no, but without deadline I am not able to work efficient09:58
kroddnoMobilTonight I'll try to fix the german translation09:59
GeofftheMedioI'm hardly in a position to be giving deadlines...09:59
kroddnoMobilMy problem is - on my notebook i am not able to play, so I am not able to work on the translation09:59
GeofftheMediocheck out the de_stringtable.txt recently added09:59
kroddnoMobil"recently" ?09:59
GeofftheMedioa few days, as opposed to ger_stringtable.txt that is years old09:59
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GeofftheMediokroddn: was it you who traced crashes to the glUseProgramARB(0) call in OgreGUI::Enter2DMode ?10:05
kroddnoMobili commented that line out, than it does not crash10:08
kroddnoMobilbut it leeds to a freeze of my whole system - i don't know if its the gfx or the audio part10:09
kroddnoMobilthe call is NOT the problem10:09
kroddnoMobilthe if-statement crashes10:09
GeofftheMedioif (glUseProgramARB) ?10:09
GeofftheMedioyou're sure it's not the glXGetProcAddress call before it?10:10
GeofftheMedioI don't see how a simple if statement would cause a crash...10:10
kroddnoMobilwait, i'll try10:10
kroddnoMobilI thing this code there is new10:11
GeofftheMediomaybe trying finding the address of glUseProgram instead of glUseProgramARB10:12
kroddnoMobilisnt there a typo?10:13
kroddnoMobilif (glUseProgramARB)10:13
kroddnoMobil        glUseProgramARB(0);10:13
kroddnoMobilshould it be10:13
kroddnoMobilif (UseProgramARBFn)10:13
GeofftheMedioUseProgramARBFn is a typedef10:14
kroddnoMobildamn ^^10:14
GeofftheMedioalso try replacing glXGetProcAddress with glXGetProcAddressARB10:14
kroddnoMobilthe crash was on line 22810:18
kroddnoMobilthats the if10:18
kroddnoMobilerror: �glXGetProcAddressARB� was not declared in this scope <- doesnt work10:18
GeofftheMedio228         glUseProgramARB(0);10:19
kroddnoMobilits the if line10:20
GeofftheMedionot according to the file in subversion10:20
kroddnoMobilbut according to my file10:20
kroddnoMobili commented out one line10:20
GeofftheMediocommenting doesn't change line numbers10:20
kroddnoMobilbut I'll try it again with the right debugging files10:20
kroddnoMobilcopyring the old line and commenting it out changes one line10:21
GeofftheMediowhat happens if you do10:27
GeofftheMedioif (glUseProgramARB)10:27
GeofftheMediostd::cout << "test" << std::endl;10:27
kroddnoMobildamn, gigi isnt compiled debug10:29
kroddnoMobilalthough i specified it in cmake10:30
kroddnoMobilhm. do you know how to build Gigi with debugging symbols?10:33
kroddnoMobilIn scons it worked when ussing debug=yes, but now it does not10:33
GeofftheMediono idea10:34
GeofftheMedioif specifying you want debug built, then regenerating and rebuilding doesn't work, perhaps email tzlaine?10:34
kroddnoMobil glUseProgramARB(0) crashes10:36
kroddnoMobilbut i am sure that before it was the if-line10:36
kroddnoMobilthe code above the if-line was not there in an older version10:36
kroddnoMobilwhat does that line do?10:38
GeofftheMediothe #ifdef stuff for various platforms to get the pointer to the glUseProgramARB function has been there for at least two years10:38
GeofftheMediowhich line?  glUseProgramARB(0) ?10:38
GeofftheMediothat unbinds any shader programs currently being used for rendering10:39
kroddnoMobiland what happens  if that line is not called at all?10:39
kroddnoMobilThats what I did to debug - I disabled that line10:40
kroddnoMobilbut then my notebook freezes10:40
GeofftheMedioany shaders that were running before switching to 2D mode would still be running while in 2D mode10:40
GeofftheMedioI think it might also prevent the fixed function rendering pipline from being used10:40
GeofftheMedioI don't know if that's an issue in this case, though10:40
GeofftheMediocan you figure out what lines are causing the freeze after commenting out that line?10:41
kroddnoMobilIts not really a freeze10:42
kroddnoMobilThe system gets slower continually until it doesn't react any more10:42
kroddnoMobilI wasnt able to find out where it comes from10:42
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kroddnoMobil <- that describes exactly what i encounter10:45
tpb<> (at
kroddnoMobilMy notebook onyl supports GLX 1.510:50
GeofftheMediois that important?10:58
kroddnoMobili don't know10:58
kroddnoMobil12:58:43:  * Frame Buffer objects (ARB extension): no10:59
kroddnoMobil12:58:43:  * Frame Buffer objects (ATI extension): no10:59
kroddnoMobilthats form my ogre.log11:00
GeofftheMedioI figured11:00
GeofftheMedionot sure that it's relevant though...11:00
kroddnoMobili am not sure too11:00
kroddnoMobilits maybe may notebook card that will not work11:00
kroddnoMobilit's a pity11:01
GeofftheMedioare there people who posted on the forums with ati related crashes where it wasn't just an insufficient opengl version?11:06
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kroddnoMobilGeofftheMedio: i don't exactly now11:10
GeofftheMediois there a software renderer you can use?11:11
GeofftheMedioI think I've seen some mention of them11:11
tpb<> (at
kroddnoMobilthats something i wanted to develop too11:13
kroddnoMobilWhat do you mean with software renderer?11:13
kroddnoMobilAn opengl 2.0 emulation?11:14
kroddnoMobilnever heard about11:14
GeofftheMediothis post mentions a software rasterizer:
tpb<> (at
kroddnoMobilI think he means the Intel driver, which has open gl 1.5 in software11:16
kroddnoMobilits within the intel open source driver11:16
GeofftheMediohmm.  ok.11:17
kroddnoMobilBut a standalone rasterizer...11:17
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CIA-76FreeOrion: tzlaine * r3556 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (5 files in 3 dirs):20:55
CIA-76FreeOrion: Added PathingEngine updates to the client, so that the movement of ships can20:55
CIA-76FreeOrion: be observed during each turn. Also put the turn duration in PathingEngine.h.20:55
CIA-76FreeOrion: tzlaine * r3557 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/CombatWnd.cpp: Hid the CombatWnd Turn button during combat setup.21:00
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kroddnoMobilGeofftheMedio: I have two positive results according ATI card on linux21:33
kroddnoMobilIt seems that newer cards with binary ati drivers work21:33
GeofftheMediothat's encouraging21:33
kroddnoMobilfor my notebook chip there's no support from ATI any more, so I have to use the open source driver21:33
kroddnoMobilOne guy reported 3 Test results, one failed: that one using the open source driver21:34
kroddnoMobilhow's the Mac version going?21:34
GeofftheMedio.Id said he could make a package, but I haven't heard from him in a few days21:35
kroddnoMobilmaybe he has cmake problems? ;-)21:35
GeofftheMediohe uses an xcode project of his own creation21:37
CIA-76FreeOrion: tzlaine * r3558 /trunk/FreeOrion/combat/OpenSteer/ (LocalSpace.h SimpleVehicle.cpp Vec3.cpp):21:39
CIA-76FreeOrion: Changed the default "up" direction used in the OpenSteer code from +Y to +Z.21:39
CIA-76FreeOrion: This fixes the spurious banking of ships in combat.21:39
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GeofftheMediokroddn: .Id says he'll make a package on Friday22:35
kroddnoMobilokay, do you plan to select a special revision?22:47
GeofftheMediono.  he'll tell me which he uses.  Nothing outside of combat is being modified at the moment though, aside from the serialization fixes.22:48
GeofftheMediounless tzlaine decides to, but if he does, I'll suggest using a version before that22:48
kroddnoMobilI hope I'll get to work on the translations22:57
kroddnoMobiland maybe we could play another round with on a dedicated server :-)22:58
kroddnoMobiltime for bed22:58
kroddnoMobil1 am here22:58
CIA-76FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3559 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (4 files in 4 dirs): (log message trimmed)23:18
CIA-76FreeOrion: -Switched order of system icon layout and rendering buffer initialization in23:18
CIA-76FreeOrion: MapWnd to fix an intermittant crash I was seeing when clicking on enemy empire23:18
CIA-76FreeOrion: fleet buttons after having not opened the fleet window to one of my own fleets23:18
CIA-76FreeOrion: or having zoomed the map. This order of actions is consistent with the23:18
CIA-76FreeOrion: MapWnd::SetZoom function and seems to not crash, so seems like a good fix,23:18
CIA-76FreeOrion: though I don't know why there was a problem with the old ordering.23:18
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