Thursday, 2010-03-25

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kr0ddnnoMobil<GeofftheMedio> dark conflict is the same game as days of ruin.  different name in europe and australia, according to wikipedia.   <----- I read that, but I want to know if its good ^^11:14
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STalKer-Xemulator + rom will help you :-113:29
kr0ddnnoMobilhi STalKer-X13:36
kr0ddnnoMobildamn, there's a lot of games for 1 euro on ebay...13:36
kr0ddnnoMobili have to sit on my notebook the whole week ^^13:36
STalKer-Xget some tool like bod-o-matic that does it automatically for you :p13:37
kr0ddnnoMobilis that legal?13:37
STalKer-Xnot in germany :)13:40
STalKer-Xbut on all other ebays :p13:40
kr0ddnnoMobilaha, nice13:40
kr0ddnnoMobildid you ever use such a bot?13:40
kr0ddnnoMobilI don't like giving my credentials to such a program13:41
STalKer-Xzumindest ist die einzige seite, wo explizit in den AGB steht, dass automatisierte tools nicht erlaubt sind :-)13:41
STalKer-Xyes, i use such a bot13:41
STalKer-Xnot always, just sometimes13:41
kr0ddnnoMobilhast du ne linux-kiste mit ati grafik?13:41
STalKer-Xn� :D13:42
STalKer-Xich hab nen altes win-xp system o,o13:42
kr0ddnnoMobilwie kurz vor schluss der versteigerung bietet so ein bot denn?13:42
STalKer-Xkannst du einstellen13:42
tpbTitle: Biet-O-Matic - der Bietautomat (at
kr0ddnnoMobil"Das quelloffene Programm beobachtet beliebig viele Artikel, die per Auktionsnummer oder Drag & Drop �bergeben worden sind."13:43
kr0ddnnoMobilh�rt sich gut an13:43
STalKer-Xdu kannst auch manuell damit bieten13:43
STalKer-Xirgendwie nur f�r windows ;D13:44
kr0ddnnoMobil Programming Languages:  Visual Basic13:45
kr0ddnnoMobilargh ^^13:45
STalKer-Xhehe :-)13:46
kr0ddnnoMobill�uft vielleicht unter wine13:46
STalKer-Xhat deine freundin keinen windows-pc? ;-)13:47
kr0ddnnoMobilnope, sie hat sich SELBST f�r linux entschieden13:47
kr0ddnnoMobilwindows rechner laufen nicht ununterbrochen :-)13:47
STalKer-Xnachdem die du ihr vor- und nachteile aufgez�hlt hast? xD13:48
kr0ddnnoMobilSie hat oft mal an meinem notebook im wohnzimmer rumgspielt13:48
kr0ddnnoMobilund sich immer mehr �ber windoof ge�rgert13:48
kr0ddnnoMobilSie hing nur so am Spiel Zoooma13:48
kr0ddnnoMobil�h Zuma13:48
tpb<> (at
STalKer-Xich mag wimmelbildspiele XD13:50
kr0ddnnoMobilsie hat ja jetzt das ding f�r DSi13:51
kr0ddnnoMobilAction Loop hei�t das und is "viel besser!!!"13:51
STalKer-Xsmall game13:55
STalKer-X32x smaller than suikoden :p13:56
STalKer-Xnonetheless fun :)14:03
kr0ddnnoMobilSTalKer-X: danke f�r den tip, funktioniert :-)14:09
STalKer-Xwine? :-)14:10
neuro8So you guys program on FO?15:48
neuro8Anyone familiar with GG?15:48
GeofftheMedioa bit...16:35
tomboy65when installing gigi (make install) i get CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:52 (FILE):17:10
tomboy65  file INSTALL cannot find file17:10
tomboy65  "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/gigi-9999/work/gigi-9999/GG/doc/GG" to install.17:10
tomboy65it's rev 80417:10
tomboy65doc/GG doesn't exist17:11
tomboy65doc/GGdoc.txt does, though17:11
tomboy65GeofftheMedio, whom to bug about this?17:12
tomboy65kroddn, ?17:12
STalKer-Xtzlaine, i think17:14
tomboy65and why is (s)he not here?17:15
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STalKer-Xbecause the forums are much more active, i heard :p17:22
STalKer-Xnot everybody likes IRC :)17:22
Cotton_Eye_Joethis GGdoc.txt - it's latex?17:26
Cotton_Eye_Joeor tex?17:26
kroddni don't know anything about GG17:49
kroddnits mystic to me :-)17:49
Cotton_Eye_Joekroddn, i'm tomboy6417:49
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kroddnI even don't get dynamic linked freeorions any more to work ^^17:49
STalKer-Xnot 65?17:50
kroddn* tomboy65 ist jetzt bekannt als Cotton_Eye_Joe  <-- i know17:50
tomboy64STalKer-X, 65 is my replacement nick when my provider boots me17:50
STalKer-Xwe all love that17:50
tomboy64and i found the problem17:50
tomboy64doxygen doesn't run17:50
tomboy64why is a riddle to me17:51
kroddndoxygen doesnt like GG either?17:51
STalKer-Xoh well, reboot :)17:51
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kroddnJust to make it clear: i don't have anything against GiGi, I just don't like the way it is compiled ;-)17:52
* tomboy64 shrugs17:52
tomboy64i don't like static builds :-D17:52
tomboy64reminds me of *shudder* windows17:53
neuro8I just want to extend the base, or existing classes so I can make a sliding divider. similar to flex's hdividedbox18:00
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neuro8So anyone using XCode?18:22
neuro8I'm using it18:22
tomboy64had a look at it 5 years ago18:23
tomboy64then i installed linux on my ibook ;)18:23
pmneuro8, someone uses it. But what about it?18:24
neuro8I'm just trying to format my patch submission properly for Geoff18:24
pmah. You should have subversion installed anyway18:24
neuro8Right, I'm using this18:25
tpbTitle: Versions - Mac Subversion Client (SVN) (at
pmif you got the thing installed subversion should give you a diff to the installed version18:25
pmOh, I've no idea about clicky-colourful GUI clients18:25
pmsvn diff > patch_file.diff18:25
neuro8Yeah... it opens up FileMerge18:26
neuro8Right, I'm trying to create that diff file18:26
pmI'm not on my dev machine atm, thus I cannot look18:26
neuro8Oh ok18:27
pma bit ago I compiled FO... I should try again.18:28
pmthough personally I created a mercurial repository out of the svn repo ;-)18:28
neuro8Yeah I wish I could walk through "process" with someone. But I'm learning it18:28
neuro8It's going ok. I've been compiling VO and updating from the SVN18:29
pmBut you compiled it already successfully, yes?18:29
neuro8Just trying to figure out the submission process. I think I can get it18:29
pmah, then you've passed most obstacles nicely already :-)18:29
pmpost the patch in the forums18:29
pmpersonally I prefer command line tools...18:30
pmsvn help is your friend in an xterm18:30
pmsvn diff gives you patch files18:30
pm(or output to the console, but you can pipe it into a file)18:31
pmbut maybe that's because I come from a linux and only switched privately to mac for the comfort ;-)18:32
neuro8:) Thank you18:37
neuro8Post the patch in the forums... but there's no doc on what should be in the patch. Just diff files?18:38
neuro8Yeah I might have to just jump into terminal and do it from there. not a prob, but when life gives you a GUI why not18:38
neuro8linux > mac. nice18:38
neuro8I'm DOS > mac18:38
neuro8Wish I grew up with a linux system...18:38
pmneuro8, yes, just the diff of the files. Then anyone can use patch in order to get the same thing you had.18:41
pmoh, I *grew* up with a DOS system ;-)18:41
pmthere was even a pre windows 3.1 time :-P18:41
STalKer-Xold man18:48
pmyeh :-P18:48
STalKer-Xstill at work? :-)18:48
pmyes, though I play with the thought of going home18:49
STalKer-Xi wish i had a work too :-)18:49
STalKer-Xwell, some real work18:51
pm <-- issue wrong SSL certificates. That may be an alternative :-P18:51
STalKer-Xnot that stuff that everybody uneducated can do18:51
pmRight... boring work is just that: boring18:53
* pm should really go home... the stomach is starting to complain :-)18:54
STalKer-Xbuy some d�ner *_*18:55
neuro8yeah totally old system18:55
pmsame effort as it's same distance, STalKer-X ;-)18:56
STalKer-Xmhm, now i want d�ner ;x18:57
STalKer-Xbad people on irc make me hungry -.-18:57
neuro8whoa it worked19:02
neuro8svn diff > fix_ugly_bug.diff19:02
neuro8i have to pull out my project specific stuff (xcode configuration) but cool i can see my changes19:03
pmanyway, catch you later19:04
tomboy64curiously, i never met anyone who worked with windows 2 or windows 119:16
GeofftheMediodid they even release windows 1 and 2?19:59
GeofftheMedioneuro: you should be able to do an svn diff on just one file19:59
GeofftheMedioor possibly a list of files?20:00
GeofftheMedioI don't use the command line, but the GUI I use can make diffs out of a single file's changes20:00
STalKer-Xtortoisesvn can create nice diffs20:01
GeofftheMediotomboy: posting your build error on the forums or as a bug on sourceforge would probably be the best way to report it20:02
GeofftheMediostalker: tha's what I use20:02
tomboy64something bout that doxygen thingy is not kosher in gigi20:08
tomboy64GeofftheMedio, and i think they released at least windows 2.020:08
tomboy64windows 1.something was apparently little more than a beta-imitation of mac os20:09
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CIA-76FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3402 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (4 files in 2 dirs):22:31
CIA-76FreeOrion: -Patch by neuro to update fleet fuel and speed when scrapping / unscrapping ships22:31
CIA-76FreeOrion: -Added neuro to credits22:31
tomboy65GeofftheMedio, i know. i will start posting once i got the ebuilds afloat22:33
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