Tuesday, 2009-09-22

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CIA-81FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3181 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (12 files in 5 dirs): (log message trimmed)04:33
CIA-81FreeOrion: -Switched fleet routes from lists of System pointers to lists of system ids, in04:33
CIA-81FreeOrion: a continuation of previous efforts to remove as many raw UniverseObject pointers04:33
CIA-81FreeOrion: from serialized classes or UI parts that might persist over a universe turn04:33
CIA-81FreeOrion: update. Numerous other functions needed to be updated to accommodate this04:33
CIA-81FreeOrion: change.04:33
CIA-81FreeOrion: -Added internal logic, but not parsing, for an ExploredByEmpire condition, that matches systems that have been explored by the indicated empire(s).04:33
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WilliamCWhat can I do to make it run better in Windows?10:35
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WilliamCShould I build it?11:20
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GeofftheMedioWilliamC what do you mean by "make it run better" ?12:57
WilliamCGeoff, it sucks up all of my CPU.13:44
WilliamCI want it not to do that13:53
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GeofftheMedio_WillamC: rebuilding won't probably make a difference, but you can try turning off a few options in the galaxy map tab of the options screen14:07
GeofftheMedio_galaxy map gas rendering and starfield rendering are a good start14:07
WilliamCDoes it have an AI now?14:12
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GeofftheMedio_partly.  there are AI scripts, and they move ships and colonize and, I think, research techs.14:59
CIA-81FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3182 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/ (FleetButton.cpp FleetButton.h MapWnd.cpp MapWnd.h):16:06
CIA-81FreeOrion: -Made FleetButton store and return its fleets by ID instead of Fleet pointer16:06
CIA-81FreeOrion: -Made MapWnd store fleet move lines and FleetButton indexed by fleet ID instead of Fleet pointer16:06
WilliamCWhat do I need to build it in Windows?16:23
GeofftheMedio_The SDK, visual studio 2008, and python16:30
GeofftheMedio_the free version of visual studio should suffice16:31
GeofftheMedio_the SDK is downloadable from sourceforge16:31
WilliamCI need the SDK16:31
GeofftheMedio_also, a subversion client will let you download the latest version of the source16:31
WilliamCYeah, I have Turtle SVN16:32
GeofftheMedio_I was going to suggest tortoiseSVN.  presumably they're similar.16:32
WilliamCThat's what I meant16:32
WilliamCI confuse the two creatures16:33
WilliamCIs the SDK in the SVN?16:34
GeofftheMedio_no; you download it from the files page on sourceforge... where the release installers are16:35
WilliamCTurns out I also needed something called Boost17:54
GeofftheMedio_I thought that was in the SDK18:52
GeofftheMedio_checked: all you need from boost should be in the SDK.  There's a boost directory in it.18:53
GeofftheMedio_I suppose I should note that phython 3.X won't work, though... 2.6.2 I think is the latest in the 2.x line.18:55
GeofftheMedio_There's also a wiki page that discusses compilation: http://freeorion.org/index.php/Compile_In_Windows19:27
tpb<http://ln-s.net/4E4u> (at freeorion.org)19:27
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WilliamCI keep getting this error: libboost_signals-vc90-mt-1_36.lib23:30

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