Saturday, 2009-08-15

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CIA-32FreeOrion: tzlaine * r3120 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/MapWnd.cpp: Made the motion of the fleet movement dots smoother.12:45
CIA-32FreeOrion: tzlaine * r3121 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/MapWnd.cpp:12:49
CIA-32FreeOrion: Changed the render order of fog-of-war scanlines and system circles. Now, the12:49
CIA-32FreeOrion: scanlines don't write over the system circles.12:49
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CIA-32FreeOrion: pd_ * r3122 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/data/art/combat/meshes/ (5 files): - added the guardian mesh and textures13:52
CIA-32FreeOrion: pd_ * r3123 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/data/art/combat/meshes/guardian.mesh: - forgot to aply smoothing in previous version14:07
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CIA-32FreeOrion: tzlaine * r3124 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/MapWnd.cpp:21:37
CIA-32FreeOrion: Changed the starlane supply route dots so they only render in between system21:37
CIA-32FreeOrion: circles, like movement indicator lines.21:37
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