Sunday, 2009-05-17

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CIA-22FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3054 /trunk/FreeOrion/Empire/Empire.cpp: Fixed 2792873 - built ships have initially 0 meters00:02
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CIA-22FreeOrion: tzlaine * r3055 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (9 files in 3 dirs):23:42
CIA-22FreeOrion: Added ResearchQueueChangedSignal to ResearchQueue, and hooked it and23:42
CIA-22FreeOrion: ProductionQueue's ProductionQueueChangedSignal up to ResearchWnd and23:42
CIA-22FreeOrion: ProductionWnd. Also changed the FocusChanged order to emit both23:42
CIA-22FreeOrion: *QueueChangedSignals. The net result is that changes to focus are reflected23:42
CIA-22FreeOrion: in the queues' time estimates for research/build completion immediately.23:42
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