Wednesday, 2009-05-13

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CIA-22FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3036 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/AI/ (4 files): AI patch by OndrejR03:52
CIA-22FreeOrion: kroddn * r3037 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/ger_stringtable.txt: Added some missing german strings04:24
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GeofftheMedio_kroddn, your latest get_stringtable.txt isn't encoded as utf-805:53
kroddnbut i testet it06:34
kroddnhm - does svn autoconvert files like cvs does it?06:34
GeofftheMedio_I don't think SVN converts formats...06:44
GeofftheMedio_would be a rather big flaw if it did06:44
CIA-22FreeOrion: kroddn * r3038 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/ger_stringtable.txt: fixed encoding problems in german translation06:44
kroddnsvn diff showed only one line as changed06:45
GeofftheMedio_seems to work now06:45
kroddnit worked before, didn't it on your system?06:45
GeofftheMedio_I don't regularly test the german stringtable file, so I'm not sure when the problem appeared06:46
kroddnthe string "men�" displayed correctly06:46
kroddnDo you know what tzlaines plan is?06:47
kroddnBefore release I want to translate all the missing strings06:47
GeofftheMedio_he hasn't said anything... I think it will depend on how long it takes him to fix the crash bug he was having06:48
GeofftheMedio_you might also want to reorder the strings in the german table to match the english06:48
GeofftheMedio_some are moved all round... part classes, for example06:48
kroddni hate this kind of translating ...06:49
GeofftheMedio_keeping everything in order will make merging later changes from english easier06:49
kroddnof course06:49
GeofftheMedio_this kind as in random words out of context, or dealing with technical issues like ordering of entries in the file?06:49
GeofftheMedio_re: only one line showing as changed, I suspect svn diff works after whatever encoding has been used has been decoded... so comparing two files in different encodings wouldn't necessarily show any changes to any single line.06:52
kroddnGeofftheMedio_: its both - i always have to diff the english files to see if the syntax of a string has changed, e.g. if some parameters where removed06:57
GeofftheMedio_using a graphical diff is useful... shows the two files side-by-side line-by-line, with any differences highlighted, and you can pick to use one file's line in place of the other file's line, or edit the line manually if there's a change you don't want to just copy over07:01
kroddnI know, I use meld for doing that07:01
kroddnbut thats not practicable for diffing the english file with the german - as almost every line is changed07:02
GeofftheMedio_if they're in order, it's only every other line...07:02
kroddnsome time ago I suggested some technique to make that better, but as always I don't find the time to do it right07:02
GeofftheMedio_like a program to compare two stringtables, and note any parameter differences?07:03
kroddnGeofftheMedio_: thats right, but you will NOT find a line which has changed x%x parameters07:03
kroddnyes, something like that - and having the english lines in the translation file too07:03
kroddnso that you see that a english line changed07:04
GeofftheMedio_as in, having the english lines automatically inserted into the german file, so a diff of versions of the german will show the changes in the english?07:04
kroddnif you know gettext, than you can imagine how i would like it to be working07:05
kroddnIts almost impossible for a non-programmer to maintain those translation files - we could have more (and better) translations, if it would be easier to find those strings that changed07:06
kroddndidn't i already post somewhere at the forums about that?07:07
kroddntime for pizza....07:07
GeofftheMedio_time for sleep...07:09
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kroddnthe german translations in research are very funny ^^09:11
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CIA-22FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3039 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/AI/ (7 files):19:16
CIA-22FreeOrion: AI patch by OndrejR:19:16
CIA-22FreeOrion: -if fleet has nothing to do, then it returns to supplied system19:16
CIA-22FreeOrion: -fixed problem traveling to unknown system through enemy system19:16
CIA-22FreeOrion: -initial Research AI - AI researches cheapest technology19:16
GeofftheMediokroddn: should avoid modifying eng_stringtable.txt for a while, to ease your translation work?19:18
GeofftheMedioshould I ...19:18
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STalKer-Xis the AI working? =P20:10
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GeofftheMediostalker-x: scout ships fly around to exlore, and existing colony ships are used to found colonies.  techs are enqueued in arbitrary order, without consideration of which should be prioritized, but eventually this will reserach the whole tech tree.  empires don't produce anything or attack eachother.21:39
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