Thursday, 2009-05-07

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STalKer-Xi feel with you, kroddn :)06:00
kroddnMaybe soon we link that ogre stuff statically, so that those problems will not arise any more06:45
STalKer-Xi did not play FO in a long time06:47
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muxyI would like to try myself as a programer in foss project, what would be your estimate the entry barrier for FO?11:49
GeofftheMedio_... that's hard to describe11:56
GeofftheMedio_we / I are happy to provide help getting going11:57
GeofftheMedio_to significantly contribute, you'll need to be willing to learn a bit about the existing code11:57
GeofftheMedio_some people have found it intimidating, unfortunately.  although see above re: help11:58
GeofftheMedio_you can check out the programming work page for possible tasks11:58
tpbTitle: Programming Work - FreeOrionWiki (at
muxyI remember checking the code one year ago but I did not understand it as I did not reallu know C++ only C (I had problem with generics, object oriented and stuff). Now I feel a bit more confident12:04
muxyYe I checked tis page looks like the already existing code base is fairly large12:05
GeofftheMedio_ohloh says around 100k lines, 70k non-blank non-comment.  not sure how accurate that is or what exactly it includes.12:07
GeofftheMedio_there are non c++ options for contributing though12:08
GeofftheMedio_python AI in particular12:08
muxyI think that now C++ is the language I'm the most proficient with.12:08
GeofftheMedio_there's plentiy of C++ as well12:09
muxyAnd I heard FO is dependency hell12:09
GeofftheMedio_it has numerous dependencies, yes.  mostly this is only an issue on linux, although there's a detailed compilation guide and plenty of forum help.12:10
GeofftheMedio_the main issue presently seems to be that you need a machine with opengl 2.0 support12:10
muxyI think I have OGL 2.0 (latest nvidia driver for GF9600)12:11
muxyI have Kdevelop and codeblocks under SuSE, C::B and can get VS for windows so I'm not sure about tools. Anyway, it is least concern, I guess I'll just DL the source and take a look and ask if I do not understand. :)12:17
GeofftheMedio_visual studio on windows is probably the easiest, unless you prefer to work on linux12:18
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muxyThe code is readable. :):) Mosly ;)13:27
muxyWell, now I'm not surprised that I did not understand it 18 month ago, I learned STL only one year ago :)13:33
kroddnoMobilbetter use linux, we need more linux coders ;-)13:35
muxyA small question. I see function headers commented with just // does it mean that no automatic doc-gen utils are used?13:37
kroddnoMobilI never saw a compiled help for FreeOrion - but maybe thats just an mistake13:38
kroddnoMobilor someone coded with no care about documentation13:39
muxyIS there a manual human readable documentation on data structures?13:43
muxyCurrently trying to understand the code for research and production queues (to start somewhere).13:45
muxyWell, nice code, as I finish my thesis I will have plenty of time to play with it.13:59
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* GeofftheMedio_ is unable to answer questions re: doxygen if people leave the channel14:18
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muxyJust curious can I split fleet in current version?14:19
kroddnoMobiljust drag a ship to a new fleet14:19
GeofftheMedio_define "current version"14:20
GeofftheMedio_I fixed a bug quite recently that prevented drag-dropping from working14:20
GeofftheMedio_it was rather short-lived though, due to other recent changes14:20
GeofftheMedio_also: you can generate doxygen documentation for the freeorion source14:20
muxyNot bad for v3.012 :)14:21
GeofftheMedio_most of the freeorion header files have function declarations documented with comments like "///< Returns true iff \a tech is in this queue." which, i believe doxygen reads14:21
muxyDo colony ships work?14:21
GeofftheMedio_you can build them and colonize, yes14:21
GeofftheMedio_(need to research medium hulls to build them though)14:22
muxyThe UI is a bit counter-intuitive when it comes to issuing the colonize command :)14:22
kroddnoMobilhey GeofftheMedio_14:22
kroddnoMobilif need a revenge soon ;-)14:23
muxySo, where is the colonize button? ;)14:24
kroddnoMobilif you send a colony ship to a settleable system, a button "colonze" appears14:24
kroddnoMobilon the right above a planet14:24
GeofftheMedio_not really above the planet...  on the planet panel, below the name, to the right of the rendered sphere14:25
GeofftheMedio_FYI: it's discussed in the quick play guide14:26
muxyI know it is version 0.3.12 but if UI must be documented it also needs it can be improved. Well, I just thought that every planet that is not "uninhabitable" can be colonized and wondered why I can only colonize one of them (the "good" one)14:29
muxyNot criticising, I know you are working hard :)14:29
GeofftheMedio_you have a "good" planet that can't be colonized in a system with a colony ship?14:31
GeofftheMedio_added a colonize button picture to the quick play guide:
tpb<$6> (at
muxyNo, but I have a poor planet that can not be colonized and some uninhabitable ones. So I thought that all but uninhabitable must be colonized. I did not RTFM14:34
muxy*must be colonizable. Sorry for abusing IRC I'll post some thoughts in brainstorming on the forums. Overally it looks promising. Bye14:35
GeofftheMedio_uninhabitable means never inhabitable14:40
GeofftheMedio_poor and hostile planets can eventually be colonized, if you have sufficient technology14:40
GeofftheMedio_(or if we create such technologies... they may not be in the game yet)14:40
GeofftheMedio_I suppose we could label all planets with 0 max population uninhabitable, regardless of whether the can ever be made inhabitable14:41
muxyBTW how do I know that +10.2m is +0.1 meter without reading the manual? I checked 0.4 design pad and I already know that supplies are not expected to work like that. :)14:42
GeofftheMedio_the DoubleToString function needs to be rewritten.  There's extensive discussion about this on the forums, and people have made attempts at it14:43
GeofftheMedio_it's apparently an attractive programming task for new contributors for some reason...14:43
GeofftheMedio_I guess people like it because it's visible but doesn't require knowing anything beyond the input to the function14:44
GeofftheMedio_or so they think...14:44
GeofftheMedio_but regardless, nobody's managed to finish rewriting it adequately, using appropriate c++ code14:44
GeofftheMedio_and actually, +10.2 m is actually +0.0102 not +0.1 or +0.10214:45
muxyI'll post a thread about Civ4 idea-lifting in brainstorming. :)14:47
muxyI want to do something with the code but I feel it will take long to familiarize myself :)14:49
GeofftheMedio_I suggest picking a particular task, hopefully small, and then figuring out how to do that14:49
GeofftheMedio_no sense in trying to understand the whole codebase before starting14:49
muxyI started by opening the first file that I saw and trying to understand why PP allocation is represented by map< set <int>, double>. I guess it wasn't the right way to start. :)14:55
muxyBye, thanks for support and potentially great game. :)14:55
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