Monday, 2009-05-04

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CIA-22FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3012 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Added tooltips to fleet and ship panel stat icons in FleetWnd00:59
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CIA-22FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3013 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (4 files in 2 dirs):15:03
CIA-22FreeOrion: -Fixed bug 2786542 - Enemy fleet selection crash15:03
CIA-22FreeOrion: -Grooming15:03
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kroddnoMobilGeofftheMedio_AF: do you know when tzlaine plans to release?16:58
GeofftheMedio_AFhe's away at boostcon this week... so probably not for a week or two.16:59
GeofftheMedio_AFthere's a crash issue on windows he's also had to put off figuring out16:59
GeofftheMedio_AF(as well)16:59
GeofftheMedio_AFdoesn't happen for me, does for him... not sure why.16:59
kroddnoMobilWould be nice to solve this ubuntu 9.04 issue before release17:00
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GeofftheMedio_AFI'd also like ogre statically linked on windows17:06
GeofftheMedio_AF(heading out now...)17:06
kroddnoMobilOgre can be linked statically withoud problems - but those Ogre modules need shared Ogre libs17:20
kroddnoMobilhm - i have an idea17:21
kroddnoMobilmaybe if I link Ogre into FreeOrion statically, than this missing symbol will not be needed17:22
kroddnoMobilalthough the GiGi Ogre modules will need a shared lib anyway17:22
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kroddnGeofftheMedio: it seems to work18:07
kroddnlinking Ogre statically18:10
kroddnthe binary does not crash any more on ubuntu18:10
GeofftheMediowow... I was expecting that to take a lot longer...18:11
kroddnso MAYBE it will run - I cannot test because I have no openGL support on that ubuntu18:11
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kroddnits not a good solution, as I now deliver the Ogre code twice18:11
GeofftheMediodoes it load the OIS plugin thing statically as well?18:12
kroddnonce linked into the binary statically and once again in plugin libdir18:12
GeofftheMediois the plugin not dependent on libx11?18:12
kroddnthe modules are not statically linked, the need the shared object18:12
kroddnit is, but maybe it does not call this missing function18:13
GeofftheMediowell... I guess you'll put up a link and get someone else to test?  agaric perhaps.18:13
kroddnagaric: are you there?18:14
kroddnI already postet in forums about that18:14
GeofftheMedioI'm glad you're around to work on these sorts of issues... I'd have no clue how to start.18:17
kroddnoMobilYou mean because you don't know linux?18:24
kroddnoMobilI'll go to bed18:26
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agaricok, i just tested the new version in the forums, and it didn't work. i posted the output in the thread23:51
GeofftheMedioI saw, and replied.  probably not to much use, though.23:59

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