Tuesday, 2008-12-23

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tretle_anyone awake?15:08
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tretle_was wondering whether it might be a good idea to combine efforts with the vegastrike guys in terms of storey, backdrop and graphics. In other words have vegastrike and freeorion set in the same universe only vegastrike would be the rpg side and free orion would be the strategy side15:49
tretle_So have the same races, history etc15:50
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charwoodHey everyone.  I was interested in helping with the freeorion project back in 2005.  Then I got married, got a real job, and life made contributing impossible.  So I'm looking back into freeorion and having some trouble building it.16:03
charwoodI'm using Ubuntu Intrepid which doesn't have a package for boost 1.36.  So I downloaded it from boost.org but they seem to only have 1.37 available (which I figured would work).  But when scons checks my libraries, it failed "Checking for boost::system::get_system_category() in C++ Library boost_system[-mt]".  Is this a known problem with boost 1.37 (couldn't find anything in the forums)?  Is 1.36 really required?16:06
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charwoodhagish_: Am I remembering correctly that you are an Iris2 developer?16:07
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kroddnoMobilyou have to work with some parameters in scons16:42
kroddnoMobil--boost-prefix or so16:42
kroddnoMobilsearch the forums, answers are there somewhere16:42
charwoodkroddnMobil: I'll see what I can find.16:43
kroddnoMobilscons boost_lib_suffix=-gcc41-mt-1_3716:45
kroddnoMobilSubstitute suffix as appropriate for your boost libs. E.g. -gcc43-mt-1_3716:45
tpb<http://ln-s.net/2bAE> (at www.freeorion.org)16:45
charwoodAdding that parameter to scons worked for me.  I had sym links that I would have thought would have taken care of the suffix problem.  They did not.17:15
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tretle_so anyone have any opinion about merging efforts from freeorion and vegastrike in the history/story/graphics side?17:43
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