Saturday, 2008-12-20

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yowshifor some reason it is having problems with
yowshiwhere is the source files01:08
yowshii would rather try them01:08
yowshigrrrr boost wont fraging install01:24
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kroddnyowshi: what are you talking about?10:16
kroddnself compiled or the download linux version ?10:17
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yowshikroddn: both13:40
yowshikroddn: the self compiled runs but doesnt get past the AI generation. the download linux version wont install cause i dont have boost 1.36 or higher13:41
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void_yowshi: did you use the latest svn version?13:58
yowshiyeah i am pretty sure i did13:59
yowshithis is the error it keeps repeating /usr/local/games/freeorion/application/freeorionca: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:03
yowshithats the precompiled vdersion14:03
void_what does your self-compiled version say?14:11
yowshii cant get a self compiled version compiled because i lack boost 1.36 or better14:14
void_you can download it from here14:15
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tpbTitle: Boost C++ Libraries: Files (at
yowshiwhiuch i have and they wont compile either14:18
void_why won't they compile?14:18
void_does ./configure run without problems/14:19
yowshibecause not all boost librariers will build properly14:20
void_please tell me the first error message14:20
yowshiyeah t looks like it does except for a unicode support issue14:20
void_btw: what system are you on?14:20
void_please post the error of this "unicode support issue"14:22
yowshiUnicode/ICU support for Boost.Regex?... not found.14:25
yowshibut it goes on to generate the and makefile anyway14:25
yowshierror: at /home/yoshi/Desktop/stuff/boost_1_37_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:84614:26
yowshierror: duplicate initialization of gcc with the following parameters:14:26
yowshierror: version = 4.3.214:26
yowshierror: previous initialization at /home/yoshi/Desktop/stuff/boost_1_37_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:84614:26
void_yeah, messages like this doesn't always mean there's something wrong14:26
yowshibut the make && makefile create those errors14:26
void_have you tried `make clean && make` ?14:27
yowshiwill do14:27
yowshiyoshi@yoshi-ubuntu:~/Desktop/stuff/boost_1_37_0$ sudo make clean && make14:27
yowshirm -rf bin.v214:27
yowshi./tools/jam/src/bin.linuxx86_64/bjam  --user-config=user-config.jam14:27
yowshierror: at /home/yoshi/Desktop/stuff/boost_1_37_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:84614:27
yowshierror: duplicate initialization of gcc with the following parameters:14:27
yowshierror: version = 4.3.214:27
yowshierror: previous initialization at /home/yoshi/Desktop/stuff/boost_1_37_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:84614:27
yowshiNot all Boost libraries built properly.14:27
void_maybe `sudo make` ? just a wild guess, maybe this needs root privileges for sth.14:29
yowshii alwaysa run install with sudo14:29
void_i mean `sudo make`, not `sudo make install`14:30
yowshisudo make gives those same errors14:30
yowshisudo make14:30
yowshi./tools/jam/src/bin.linuxx86_64/bjam  --user-config=user-config.jam14:30
yowshierror: at /home/yoshi/Desktop/stuff/boost_1_37_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:84614:30
yowshierror: duplicate initialization of gcc with the following parameters:14:30
yowshierror: version = 4.3.214:30
yowshierror: previous initialization at /home/yoshi/Desktop/stuff/boost_1_37_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:84614:30
yowshiNot all Boost libraries built properly.14:30
void_is there a file called user-config.jam in boost_1_37_0 ?14:38
void_If here is, remove all lines like "   using gcc ...."14:43
void_and try again14:43
yowshii wil look14:50
void_you can do `grep -be "using gcc" user-config.jam`14:52
void_when you're in the directory where the user-config.jam file is14:53
yowshiwoot sudo make clean && make is working14:53
yowshiman 200 targets and counting14:55
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void_yeah boost is an intense build15:04
yowshi...failed updating 2 targets...15:08
yowshi...skipped 3 targets...15:08
yowshi...updated 709 targets...15:08
yowshiNot all Boost libraries built properly.15:08
void_same procedure :) post the first error15:09
yowshii dont know where the error is15:10
yowshii will try the sudo make install anyway15:10
yowshisee if those are an actual iddue15:10
yowshifor 15 minutes the make command spat out text there was no elaboration just before or after those comments so i dont know whrere the error messages got spat out15:11
yowshi...failed gcc.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/iostreams/build/gcc-4.3.2/release/threading-multi/bzip2.o...15:12
yowshi...skipped <pbin.v2/libs/iostreams/build/gcc-4.3.2/release/threading-multi> for lack of <pbin.v2/libs/iostreams/build/gcc-4.3.2/release/threading-multi>bzip2.o...15:12
yowshii'll see if getdeb has 1.36 heh15:12
void_try `make | grep error -i` first15:31
yowshithat command didnt do anything15:41
yowshioh qwait dont copy and paste the first part15:41
yowshiholy ....shit i should pastebin init this15:42
void_interesting part are the first, like 4 to 5 lines15:43
yowshilibs/iostreams/src/bzip2.cpp:19:56: error: bzlib.h: No such file or directory15:44
yowshilibs/iostreams/src/bzip2.cpp:30: error: ‘BZ_OK’ was not declared in this scope15:44
yowshilibs/iostreams/src/bzip2.cpp:31: error: ‘BZ_RUN_OK’ was not declared in this scope15:44
yowshilibs/iostreams/src/bzip2.cpp:32: error: ‘BZ_FLUSH_OK’ was not declared in this scope15:44
yowshilibs/iostreams/src/bzip2.cpp:33: error: ‘BZ_FINISH_OK’ was not declared in this scope15:44
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yowshiand theres a qwhole page of yhat scope shit15:44
yowshiand some other errors15:44
void_yeah, that makes sense. it tries to include a file, can't find it and thus, the symbols aren't declared15:44
void_try `sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev`15:46
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void_this will install a package which will solve the problem (i hope)15:46
yowshiwell make seemed to work15:48
void_do you understand roughly why this helped?15:48
yowshiother then i was apparently missing a file15:49
yowshiit wanted15:49
void_jup. and `sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev` means as root (sudo) install the package (apt-get install) libbz2-dev15:50
void_it needs the file because it uses this library15:51
yowshiyeaq i know how apt-get works heh15:51
yowshiand sudo not a complete linux noob15:51
yowshii am trying a make clean && make15:52
void_you don't need to make clean15:52
yowshibecause after a make && make install scons install still wouldnt work15:52
void_scons works a bit differently15:52
yowshito late now15:52
yowshiyeah but that was the whole reason for installing boost to get scons to work15:52
void_make clean deletes all intermediate files of the compilation process15:52
yowshiand then make remakes them15:53
void_nah, scons works without boost, but scons says it can't configure Gigi if you don't have boost15:53
yowshiyea thats the problem15:53
void_jup, but makes is pretty smart, it figures out which files need to be rebuilt to speed this thing up, that's it purpose15:53
yowshishould i ctrl c it then and just run make?15:54
yowshior is it really to late15:54
void_if you run make clean it's15:54
void_so you need to wait again :)15:54
yowshialright then onwards it is15:54
yowshiin the mean time what exactly is scons problem with gigi then15:54
void_scons is like configure and make, it first checks if you have everything that's needed to compile Gigi (configure) and then builds it like make.15:56
yowshiso if i did infact make install boost 1.37 and it did infact work shouldnt scons have done it's job and guilt gigi?15:57
void_try `scons --config=force configure`15:58
yowshioh bugger so i did forget a step. to run the scons command on it's own15:59
yowshiit's scons and then sudo scons install15:59
* yowshi facepalms15:59
void_nah, it should run all these itself _if_ it notices that they're needed15:59
void_scons has it problems15:59
void_just remember to do scons --config=force configure if you change the environment16:00
yowshii've noticed every linux programme has it's problems16:00
yowshithough it doesnt suprise or dismay me. every linux install has it's own quirks16:01
void_can't deny it :)16:02
yowshino errors on the make16:06
yowshino errors on the make install16:07
yowshiyoshi@yoshi-ubuntu:~/freeorion/FreeOrion/GG$ scons --config=force configure16:07
yowshiscons: Reading SConscript files ...16:07
yowshiChecking for pkg-config... yes16:07
yowshiConfiguring for POSIX system...16:07
yowshiChecking for C++ header file boost/shared_ptr.hpp... yes16:07
yowshiChecking Boost version >= 1.36... (cached) no16:07
yowshiBoost configuration... (cached) no16:07
void_that's exactly where I'm standing now...16:08
yowshithats not a :) thng it still doesnt find the boost16:08
void_but try `scons --config=force configure with_boost=/usr/local/`16:09
yowshii did this whole thing once on hardy16:09
yowshistill no joy16:09
yowshii remember having alot of trouble getting boost in with hardy but once it was in it ran fine16:09
void_My problem is that boost 1.36 isn't testing (sic) in gentoo yet :(16:10
void_so I try to install it in a seperated path... which kind of breaks Gigi compilation.16:11
yowshiubuntu has 1.35 in the repo's16:12
void_gentoo too16:13
yowshiis this issue posted anywhere in the forums?16:16
void_I'm looking right now^^16:17
yowshiwell i found my problem a locate can find any libboost 1.36 or 1.3716:27
void_ok, what's your solution?16:28
yowshiwell apparently i have to find and download the -dev version of boost 1.36 or 1.3716:29
yowshibut i cant find it in the repos16:29
void_the dev and non-dev versions are part of the stuff you get when you compile it yourself... so, you should have everything when you compile yourelf16:29
yowshiwell then the compile must have failed because locate cant find it16:30
yowshican locate find any of the correct version on your comp?16:32
void_locate just searches for files16:33
yowshiyeah but that will tell you if they actually installed. your looking for /usr/lib/
yowshi only 1.37 instead of 1.3416:34
void_not if you're actually using another gcc version16:35
void_do `gcc --version`16:35
void_and they could be installed in /usr/local/ instead of /usr16:36
yowshii have gcc 4.3.216:49
yowshithey are in usr/lib16:50
void_then they should be suffixed gcc43-mt-1_37_0 and not gcc41-...16:51
yowshii think thats because ubuntu recently updated it's gcc stuff and those were installed before16:54
void_nah, those are precompiled libraries, they just are compiled with gcc4116:55
yowshivoid_: ah ha they were compiled right just needed an updatedb heh but sitll no 1.3717:01
yowshioh wait those ar 1.3717:01
yowshibut it still isnt finding them17:02
yowshiscons that is17:06
yowshiwe'll just have to wait till one of the idlers wakes up or someone else comes in17:24
yowshithough by the looks of the forum entry this problem is yetn to be solved17:24
void_I'm idling in this channel for a week something... they are'nt sleeping17:26
void_nobody talks here :)17:26
yowshiyeah i noticed that17:26
yowshihey mithro17:26
yowshihehe if he is using xchat thatwill beep at him17:26
void_he probably uses irssi at a server17:28
void_this boost stuff makes me insane17:40
yowshime too :)17:46
yowshiwhy the fuck are they using boost and such a high version of it that it isnt in most linux repos17:46
void_because its really really fast17:48
void_boost is the fastest thing you can get17:48
void_but it should be properly documented how to compile it...17:49
void_i think...18:07
void_i've got something18:07
void_jup, configures18:08
void_scons --config=force configure with_boost_include=/home/simon/Dokumente/Coding/libs/include/boost-1_37/ with_boost_libdir=/home/simon/Dokumente/Coding/libs/lib/ boost_lib_suffix=-gcc43-mt-1_37 --prefix=/home/simon/Dokumente/Coding/libs/18:09
void_forget the --prefix stuff, it should be prefix=...18:15
void_i just compiled the wrong version of gcc in a vm on my laptop for 5 hours18:18
void_that sucks18:18
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BruceSatoHello, anyone on?19:27
yowshii am19:36
yowshiBruceSato: what do you need19:38
BruceSatoive got a problem with the game19:38
BruceSatoi cant produce any buildings19:38
yowshiyour not the first. i have a problem even just instaling it19:38
BruceSatoInstallation with Linux completed19:39
BruceSatobut no building can be built19:39
yowshimaybe you can help me install it then19:39
yowshidid you use the precompiled or compile it yourself?19:39
BruceSatoi can research, but i cant build anything19:41
yowshiprecomnpiled cant find my libpython2.419:41
yowshiwell wish i could help you with your building thing. what is the exact problem with the buiuldings?19:42
BruceSatodidnt you install it on your Linux?19:42
yowshii did run the precompiled setup but when it goes to generate the universe and players it gets an error /usr/local/games/freeorion/application/freeorionca: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:42
BruceSatoi didnt get this problem. Which distribution do ya use?19:43
BruceSatoim running Opensuse 11.119:45
yowshimy pythonlib isnt where it is looking and i think that is the problem19:48
yowshivoid: is that entire line completre ith directories nessecary cause if it is i am gonna need some explanation19:49
BruceSatoim not that good @linux19:50
yowshime neither19:51
yowshiand he posted it before you came in19:51
yowshio only noticed it now19:51
yowshiwe were trying to figure out a manually compiled entry19:52
yowshianyway there used to be problems with building in earlier versiosn whats your problem?19:55
BruceSatoif i select a building, no tooltip comes up and no "Add to Queue" or such things19:57
yowshidid you try to double click it?20:03
BruceSatono reaction20:04
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yowshihey STalKer-X23:25
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