Thursday, 2008-09-11

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Guest619is anyone here, I'm trying to run the stitically linked version of freeorion of Debian "etch", the game starts but upon starting a signle player or multiplayer game it just crashes and spits out undefined symbol: glGenBuffers. Can anyone help?14:02
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Guest619anyone here?14:39
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Guest619is anyone here?15:11
Guest619is anyone here?15:34
Guest619can u help me?15:40
welterdedoes glxgears work?15:41
Guest619fps results show around 180-19015:42
welterdewhich version of opengl have you got?15:42
Guest619glxinfo shows opengl version string: 2.0.601115:43
welterdelatest version of FO?15:43
Guest619yes, got from latest.tar statically linked15:43
Guest619it seems i'm just missing one lib, but I don't know how to install it15:44
welterdeshould only be libGL and libX1115:46
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Guest619i'll check versions15:46
Guest619ok libglu-mesa, libgl1-mesa-*** are 6.5, but libglade and lib glib are 1.215:48
Guest619libx11 packages are all version 2:1.0.3-715:49
welterdei have no idea...15:51
Guest619i've tried compiling too but it's not possible for me to compile GiGi, i can't get the right boost-dev version; that's not compilable while the actual bost libraries are15:52
Guest619it's really frustrating because FO really looks like a great game from what I've bben able to see form the startup menu...15:54
Guest619maybe i'm missing a certain package you mentioned earlier. Which ones do you have?15:55
Guest619oh well thanks for the help anyways, need to go16:05
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ahelontell him to do an "ldd applications/freeorion" next time16:30
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