Friday, 2008-04-18

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kmr83need some help with orion, is this the right place to ask?09:34
_Lemon_I guess, if you find someone who is actually here09:36
kmr83well, you're here09:36
kmr83do u mind if i ask u?09:36
_Lemon_Protip: On IRC, just ask; people will either ignore because they're either not there or don't know09:37
_Lemon_If I haven't a clue I'll redirect you to the forums :p09:37
kmr83well i need help with compiling/installing on debian sid09:38
_Lemon_Awesome, I'm on Debian Testing (Lenny?)09:39
_Lemon_It's really quite simple, I found09:39
_Lemon_Got the svn yet?09:39
* _Lemon_ realises he is jumping the gun09:39
kmr83yes, u mean for freeorion?09:39
kmr83it comes with the gg library09:40
kmr83i just co'd the latest, yesteray in fact09:40
kmr83so, what i need are instructions basically09:41
kmr83i'm not much of a programmer09:41
_Lemon_So the next step is to make sure you have all the dependencies? Then "scons" in GG then "scons install" also in GG as root.09:41
kmr83can't put the pieces together w/o instructions09:41
kmr83that's what i did09:41
_Lemon_Did it work as expected? No errors?09:41
kmr83but i have a dependancy issue, smth about openal?09:42
_Lemon_kk, try (as root) apt-cache search openal09:42
kmr83i think i' missing a few things09:42
_Lemon_You're looking for: openal-dev09:42
kmr83is that all?09:42
_Lemon_Should be09:42
kmr83i'll try that09:43
_Lemon_If it comes up, type: apt-get install openal-dev09:43
kmr83k, trying it..thanks09:43
_Lemon_Packages with -dev on the end are effectively the source code for the corresponding package... required for compiling09:43
kmr83i see, i didnt know that before09:44
kmr83nope, didn't come up09:44
kmr83no openal-dev09:44
_Lemon_What about libopenal-dev09:44
_Lemon_Anything of a very similar format?09:45
kmr83yes, got smthg09:45
kmr83i think its the one09:45
_Lemon_libalut-dev - OpenAL Utility Toolkit development files09:45
_Lemon_oh wait09:45
_Lemon_libopenal-dev - OpenAL is a portable library for 3D spatialized audio09:46
_Lemon_That's in my repos09:46
kmr83so thats not ht one i need?09:46
kmr83i'm getting it now..libopenal-dev09:46
kmr83compiling is such a pain09:48
_Lemon_The prefix of "lib" means library, it will allow free orion to "know" about the compiled version of the library on your system (allowing all programs that use openAL to use the same openAL code etcetc)09:49
_Lemon_Or at least, that's what I know it as ;)09:49
kmr83yes, that's what i figured too, i've only done so much programming in C in college09:49
_Lemon_By college you mean uni? Or actual college... (I'm from the UK)09:50
kmr83don't know my way around this stuff09:50
_Lemon_They're all teh same, done one, done them all09:50
kmr83i actually got an error when unpacking libopenal-dev..but i was wondering, u got the game running on ur comp?09:51
kmr83i mean on debian?09:51
_Lemon_Yeah, well, I haven't properly tried since I installed Debian (it worked fine with Kubuntu though)09:53
_Lemon_Well, if you're lucky enough to get a decent check out :p09:53
kmr83funny how it works suprisingly well on windows09:54
kmr83its ironic, an open src game that actually works better with windows than unix/linux09:55
_Lemon_That's only because they're boxed up release candidates though :p09:56
kmr83makes u wish u were back on windows09:56
_Lemon_yeeuck, not at all09:57
kmr83i'm gonna check out the source again, its all messed up by now09:57
_Lemon_This isn't even what I'd consider an alpha :p09:57
kmr83yeah, im thinking of getting some other games for my debian box09:57
_Lemon_Wesnoth can be quite cool, quite irritating at times too09:58
kmr83maybe some free versions of doom09:58
kmr83yeah, wesnoth looks cool09:58
kmr83i have it09:58
_Lemon_Bad save system though09:58
kmr83yeah, haven't really tried it yet09:58
kmr83i've never played a game like that before09:59
_Lemon_The randomness annoys me, but without it, it would probably be Advance Wars09:59
_Lemon_Which would actually be _very_ cool09:59
kmr83what would that be like, i'm not too familiar with turn based strategy10:00
kmr83i was sorta thinking of getting a free hexen or doom210:01
kmr83i like the old games10:02
_Lemon_Advance Wars was on the Game Boy... Advance if I remember10:04
_Lemon_It was a lot like Chess and Wesnoth combined (or at least the way I played)10:05
_Lemon_Nexuiz was a cool mp game10:05
kmr83really? well, i must have missed that one..honestly i'm not much of a gamer10:05
_Lemon_Neither am I10:05
kmr83nexuiz, yes, i've tried that one10:05
_Lemon_This was years ago when they released the first, I'm sure they've spammed the game title into obscurity by now... ha10:06
kmr83more than likely10:06
_Lemon_Best level and most fun on Nexuiz was the slow motion one hit kill snipers on this massive high jumpy level ahhh10:06
kmr83yeah, haha, that was the one with that weird gun10:07
kmr83the sad thing about nexuiz is its no doom, i kinda like the story driven types10:07
kmr83at least u know the names of the weapons10:07
kmr83and what ur mission is10:08
kmr83tried wine?10:08
_Lemon_My best multiplayer days involved AoE II and Counter-Strike10:08
_Lemon_Yeah, runs Half Life like a dream10:08
_Lemon_or did on Kubuntu10:08
_Lemon_You've inspired me to install it again, however :p10:09
kmr83yeah, i used to play those games on windows10:09
kmr83what half life? great game10:09
kmr83didn't finish half-life 2 though10:10
_Lemon_It was disappointing I thought10:10
_Lemon_The story was farily gripping but didn't quite extend to the same as the first game10:11
_Lemon_and was very easy (especially the last level/boss!)10:11
kmr83yeah, so i'm not alone thinking that it was a sad flop compared to the first10:11
_Lemon_The enemies were _all_ humans!10:11
kmr83i never even got that far, doom3 felt so much better going thru the levels10:12
kmr83i stopped plauying half-life 2 when i got dom310:12
_Lemon_Doom 3... about when I lost most interest in games and started sticking to playing endless multiplayer battles on older games10:13
_Lemon_Got about a third through that10:13
kmr83really? haha...yeah, i dunno why it appealed to me10:13
kmr83i think i was in the right frame of mind for it, i was in uni then10:14
kmr83the movie sucked tho10:15
_Lemon_The... can't hold a flashlight and a gun at the same time...10:16
_Lemon_haha, the movie yeah...10:16
kmr83haha..yeah, whats up with that? but i had some good times nonetheless10:16
kmr83i think i was breaking up with a girl when i was playing doom310:16
_Lemon_ahhh, gotta go kick some zombie-alien-depths-of-hell ass10:17
kmr83i could install that on debian, but i dont think i ca stomach another level10:19
kmr83i played it to death10:19
kmr83thats why i wanted to get freeorion10:20
_Lemon_My computer barely coped with it on XP and I seriously doubt Wine has surpassed Windows in speed yet...10:20
kmr83yeah, i probably wont try it10:20
kmr83its such an ordeal to compile ur own games10:20
_Lemon_What I'd like is a well defined C/C++ api for the AI... something that I could go off and write my own killer AI and pit it against others, I think that would be a mega cool aspect10:20
kmr83don't some opensrc games have that?10:21
_Lemon_Wine invovles no compiling... but staying at wonky graphics/random crashes ~ much worse ;)10:21
_Lemon_No idea, but free orion really appeals to me in terms of gameplay too10:21
kmr83i just downloaded wine actually, i was trying to get system shock2 to run on my debian sid10:22
kmr83yeah...but why code AI? its not exactly for the faint hearted i hear10:22
kmr83just leave it to the makers, they can fuss w/ the coding for AI10:23
_Lemon_That's how I've always taught myself to code though... jump head first into the deep end and touch the bottom :D10:24
_Lemon_...and I'm still in indecision between the AI course at uni or Computer Vision, Grapics and something-else-I-can't-remember10:24
kmr83i've found that to be a god way to kill any nascent motivation to program10:24
kmr83if u start with smth difficult ur bound to kill ur own motivation10:25
kmr83AI course? AI's the way to go i think10:26
_Lemon_hmmm, possibly, I'm not sure if that's the case with me though10:26
_Lemon_I guess I'm quite stubborn... :p10:27
_Lemon_hmmm, I have 1 fps in Free Orion10:28
kmr83great, i got 0..haha10:28
_Lemon_Do you know if you've installed any graphics drivers?10:28
_Lemon_I remember Kubuntu having a 'restricted driver' thing10:28
kmr83yep, i did that first thing10:29
_Lemon_Where was it?10:29
kmr83right after i installed debian from the cd10:29
kmr83umm, i think it was nvidia for this comp, but i'm not sure10:29
kmr83what do u mean where? where the driver went?10:30
kmr83i think i installed fglrx or smth-or-other10:31
_Lemon_That's what I mean10:31
_Lemon_I don't remember anything like that10:31
_Lemon_I think I need to reinstall the whole machine though >:(10:31
kmr83hmm, wait, lemme think10:31
kmr83i have a guide, that i found by googling10:31
kmr83it helped me get the driver set up10:32
kmr83it was sometime ago10:32
kmr83why reinstall>10:33
_Lemon_I installed KDE preffering it over Gnome... now I have about 5 different versions for each aspect a program provides10:34
_Lemon_Like, calculators!10:34
_Lemon_It's just not really meant for KDE I'm guessing10:34
kmr83yeah, did u get the cd by downloading?10:34
kmr83jigdo, wget perhaps?10:35
_Lemon_I downloaded it a while back, upgraded from the stable10:35
kmr83i think there's 3 versions, debian with gnome, KDE and xfce10:35
kmr83yeah, i started with a stable too10:36
_Lemon_5 fps in half life too :(10:56
_Lemon_Guess it's moi10:56
kmr83whats ur hardware like? (btw, i'm scons'ing freeorion now)10:57
GeofftheMedioin FO, you can turn off galaxy gas background rendering in the latest versions (SVN, not v0.3.9) which might improve FPS10:57
GeofftheMedioThere's a switch in the options screen, under (I think) UI10:57
kmr83well, i'll try to remember that10:57
_Lemon_No, it's deffo me, I'm used to max fps in half-life (60? 90?) Just checked my drivers too... no 3d accel enabled10:58
kmr83thats ur problem right there10:59
kmr83do u need help with that?11:00
_Lemon_Nah, it's ok for now, thanks11:02
kmr83dont mentio nit11:02
kmr83so why'd u switch from kubuntu to debian?11:03
_Lemon_I have a Debian server, and I originally intended to only use Kubuntu as a stepping stone into the Linux world11:06
_Lemon_Learnt a lot from it all11:06
_Lemon_and now I much prefer it over Windows11:06
_Lemon_Most of the games I play, if at all are either free(dom) or old enough for Wine to work11:07
kmr83yes, i hear the BSDs make good servers too11:07
kmr83yeah, i got scummvm to play some old games11:07
kmr83adventure games that is11:08
_Lemon_I dislike the BSD licence (absolutely no basis expect allowing for closed source)11:08
kmr83its a matter of ethics then?11:09
_Lemon_I suppose, yeah11:13
_Lemon_If something is open source, it should always be open source for the benefit of everyone11:13
_Lemon_but I don't know the +/- of it all11:14
_Lemon_Just an enraged "omfg how could they!" style thing11:15
kmr83never tried a BSD myself, but some ppl say that BSD is the way unix should be, and linux is unix for the pc11:16
kmr83i mean after all, linux was designed to exploit the 86 family11:16
kmr83i read that on wikipedia, apparently the torvalds wrote the kernel specifically for i38611:18
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_Lemon_I'm sure it's moved on to specifically target others now... like 64 bit kernels11:20
_Lemon_oops, I think I may have just uninstalled kde...11:21
_Lemon_How do I manage these things?!11:21
kmr83but you're here chatting?11:22
kmr83how is that possible?11:22
kmr83was that on a diffrerent comp?11:22
_Lemon_Probably need a reboot for it take effect11:23
_Lemon_or it just removed a load of random packages11:24
kmr83most likely, you didn't kill the display manager in the process?11:24
_Lemon_I lost a caclulator :(11:24
_Lemon_No, can't find kdm in the list11:24
kmr83well, if u restart then its bye bye kde11:24
_Lemon_lemme find my install disks11:25
_Lemon_Quick clean...11:25
_Lemon_Well, fuck, cya for an hour or two :p11:25
_Lemon_I need to do this anyway11:26
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_Lemon_hmm, actually decided against reinstalling everything :p11:37
_Lemon_It just got rid of my network apps :s11:37
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kmr83so u got kde back?11:37
kmr83scons just came back with a compilation error11:38
kmr83owh fuck11:38
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kmr83i dont know if its the dependencies or the compiler im using11:39
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_Lemon_What is the error?11:41
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kmr83apparently something in the code is deprecated?11:43
kmr83and a bunch of stuff, like undefined constants11:43
_Lemon_PI ?11:43
_Lemon_I had that too11:43
_Lemon_and a few others11:43
_Lemon_Could be a Debian thing?11:44
kmr83whats that about? debian doesnt know the value of pi?11:44
kmr83i dunno, i don't think so11:44
_Lemon_No, it's some library source that's not quite right methinks11:44
kmr83is it the compiler?11:44
_Lemon_What was the file called? I'll tell you the fix...11:44
kmr83did u get it fixed when u had the problem?11:45
_Lemon_Yeah, what was the file with the error?11:45
_Lemon_It's just involved copying some text onto it ~ dirty hack style!11:45
kmr83wait, gotta sort this stuff out11:45
kmr83thats where it stopped11:47
kmr83any ideas?11:47
_Lemon_In UI/TechTreeWnd.h add that above the class Tech { definition11:48
_Lemon_The line: "class Tech;" even11:48
kmr83k, will try that11:48
_Lemon_It will then compile..11:48
kmr83right, thanks, hope this works11:49
kmr83u mean the class `TechTreeWnd' don't you?11:55
kmr83is it a window class?11:56
_Lemon_No, I mean above the line "class Tech;"11:57
_Lemon_I would assume it's for the tech window but then again, it is just a name :p11:57
kmr83wait, i don't suppose u have a diff file handy?11:57
kmr83always looking for the easy way out..sorry11:58
kmr83no diff?11:58
_Lemon_No, sorry11:59
_Lemon_It really is just a copy/paste job11:59
_Lemon_Replace UI/TechTreeWnd.h with taht file :p12:00
_Lemon_or... you'll see what I mean12:00
_Lemon_I need to kill the X server to install these drivers, brb12:02
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kmr83oh well, i still cant compile the damn thing12:38
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kmr83welcome back. so the damn thing still wont the hell outta me12:46
kmr83as to whats wrong12:46
_Lemon_What's the problem now?12:49
_Lemon_I'm still having issues installing too NVIDIA drivers too :(12:49
kmr83this time its a different file: `ResearchWnd.cpp'12:50
kmr83is complaining about ` expected unqualified-id before numeric constant'12:51
kmr83i looked in the file and apparently PI is defined in a namespace12:52
kmr83i don't think there could be a conflict with the header definition for PI that you gave12:52
_Lemon_hmmm no12:52
_Lemon_I mean yeah12:53
kmr83did u have the same problem?12:53
_Lemon_Not with the research12:53
_Lemon_What svn revision is this?12:53
kmr83its weird, maybe i should check out a new one12:53
_Lemon_2496 seems to compile fine12:53
_Lemon_Yeah, it's not hugely strict about what gets committed I've found...12:54
kmr83yeah, maybe i need fresh sources, i did an scons before i ran into the first problem12:55
kmr83so i just checked, this is 249612:57
kmr83dependency issues? could it be12:58
kmr83whats ur options.cache like? mine's currently empty12:58
_Lemon_I doubt it12:59
_Lemon_I'll check12:59
_Lemon_err, where is this options.cache?12:59
_Lemon_What line is ResearchWnd pointing to?12:59
kmr83it should be in FreeOrion12:59
kmr8322 i believe13:00
kmr83line 2213:00
kmr83this is the line ` expected unqualified-id before numeric constant'13:01
kmr83nope sorry13:01
kmr83not that13:01
kmr83``const double PI = 3.141594;''13:02
kmr83thats line 2213:02
kmr83its defined in a namespace13:02
kmr83sorry, you're probly busy with that driver thing13:02
_Lemon_My options cache is empty too13:08
_Lemon_ahhh, I commented my line 22 out13:08
kmr83so what could it be...its not complaining about any missing dependencies13:08
_Lemon_You should too I guess13:08
kmr83u did?13:08
_Lemon_Just wack a // at the start13:08
kmr83when u commented line 22 out, did u get any more errors from the same file?13:14
_Lemon_I don't think so, do you?13:14
kmr83i got more errors from the same file, this time at different lines13:15
_Lemon_Saying what?13:15
kmr83anything else u forgot to mention?13:15
kmr83wait. lemme try this again,13:15
_Lemon_Not that I know of :p13:15
kmr83seems to be working...13:27
kmr83earlier it was my mistake, i messed up the file when i commented out line 2213:28
kmr83smthg unbelievable just happened13:29
kmr83it compiled!13:29
kmr83so do i `scons install' now?13:29
_Lemon_Then freeorion13:32
kmr83this is so unreal, cant believe we're almost done, well are we?13:33
kmr83ahh! haha13:36
kmr83knew it was too good to be true13:36
kmr83segmentation fault just when u were getting excited13:36
kmr83to start a new game13:37
kmr83i clicked on single player, and i got this optons dialog13:38
kmr83i went with the defaults, got as far as the ``Generating Univers, AI'' screen13:38
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kmr83the snag seems to be a segmentation fault13:39
kmr83at least thats what it says13:39
kmr83thanks for the exceptional help _Lemon_13:41
kmr83alas, no freeoron for moi13:42
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_Lemon_and goodbye... :o13:56
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kmr83hey _Lemon_14:33
_Lemon_yo yo14:33
_Lemon_I got the nvidia drivers working just gotta restart X once more :p14:34
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kmr83how's the drivers?14:35
_Lemon_> 1 FPS too :D14:36
_Lemon_Although it's messed with my fonts14:36
kmr83still 1 fps?14:36
kmr83i think u mranur resolution just got better14:37
kmr83that happened to me when i got the driver working14:38
kmr83the fonts got smaller14:38
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_Lemon_(> meant greater than)14:40
_Lemon_So > 1 fps :p14:40
kmr83yeah, i found that out later on my own14:42
kmr83didn't see the greater than sign at first14:42
kmr83FO's still a pain in the butt about actually working though14:46
_Lemon_Yeah, hence pre-alpha14:52
_Lemon_I'd put it as anyway :p14:52
_Lemon_I'm curious as to what galaxy age actually means... it's not entirely intuitive14:53
kmr83haha..yeah, but maybe time zero is at the big bang14:54
kmr83at any rate, i can't play it at all, i get a segmentation fault just when the games about to egin14:54
_Lemon_hmm, you should probably report that... mine plays fine14:56
kmr83really? on a debian unstable? lenny right?14:57
_Lemon_I thought Sid was unstable14:58
kmr83right, sorry14:59
kmr83Sid's the one i got14:59
kmr83it really is that14:59
kmr83i think if u can make it work on lenny i should be able to run it on sid15:00
kmr83of course, i *could* go through the whole compile process again15:01
kmr83ahh! not that again!!!15:01
kmr83but it would be worth a try on some other day15:02
kmr83means checking out the sources took me nearly a full day to get those sources15:03
_Lemon_oh, once you have it all set it up can do: svn update15:09
_Lemon_That updates the source to the latest15:09
_Lemon_Then, if GG has changed scons then scons install in the GG dir15:09
kmr83do u think updating will fix it?15:10
_Lemon_Then scons then scons install in FreeOrion dir.... really simple once you've done it once15:10
_Lemon_I doubt it, if you've *just* pulled the latest...15:10
kmr83i know15:10
kmr83it sucsk15:10
kmr83mommy i wanna play15:10
kmr83like the other kids15:11
kmr83ahh! i'm tempted to just download the windoze version and playin it on my win partition15:11
_Lemon_It has absolutely no ai15:15
_Lemon_So you won't have much fun like those Linux kids :p15:15
kmr83u mean FO?15:15
kmr83how come? thats weird15:15
kmr83did they deliberately forget to include it?15:16
_Lemon_It wasn't written when they released it15:17
kmr83this game better be something, i can't believe how hard it is to get a working copy of it15:19
kmr83its not easy on any platform15:19
kmr83nobody has it easy15:20
kmr83well i'm gonna watch tv now, i need to be entertained15:23
kmr83but thanks for all the help, really appreciate it _Lemon_15:24
_Lemon_No problem!15:24
_Lemon_Turns out I had nothing to do today either :p15:24
kmr83yeah, hope there's a good movei on or smthg15:24
kmr83alrigt, take care dude15:25
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