Thursday, 2007-07-26

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petermansorry to disturb here, since thare's told to ask on forums, but i didn't found any info, i was trying to search the the project web and also google11:03
peterman...when i run scons to compile the freeorion it ends up with "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGiGiNet"11:04
peterman../i compile a GiGi from svn and made myself a debian package, but there's no GiGiNet library11:04
kroddnyou must install the gigi too11:05
petermansure i did not only made the package but also installed it...11:05
kroddnsid you run "scons install"11:05
petermani have only 2 libraries: and libGiGiSDL.so11:06
kroddni have 311:06
petermandamn :-/11:06
kroddnsearch for giginet in the GG directory11:06
kroddnDid you use the GiGi in the FO-SVN-Subdir or anothr version?11:07
kroddni mean, did you use FreeOrion/GG or somethink from elsewhere?11:08
petermani tried both of them - from FO and also the standaolne one, but theres no word about "giginet" in the sourcedoes11:09
kroddnFreeOrion/GG$ vdir -d lib*11:10
kroddn-rw-r--r-- 1 sinner 1000 5483744 2007-07-23 12:02 libGiGi.a11:10
kroddn-rw-r--r-- 1 sinner 1000   40304 2007-07-07 16:09 libGiGiNet.a11:10
kroddn-rwxr-xr-x 1 sinner root   37985 2007-07-06 08:57 libGiGiNet.so11:10
kroddn-rw-r--r-- 1 sinner 1000   20608 2007-07-23 14:13 libGiGiSDL.a11:10
kroddn-rwxr-xr-x 1 sinner 1000   25072 2007-07-24 15:57 libGiGiSDL.so11:10
kroddn-rwxr-xr-x 1 sinner 1000 2451472 2007-07-24 15:57 libGiGi.so11:10
kroddnhm, maybe that lib has been removed?11:10
kroddnHey, thats true11:12
kroddni do not need GiGiNet any more to link :-)11:12
kroddnmy scons does not link giginet11:13
kroddnMaybe you should reconfigure11:13
petermanhmm, ok i'll give itr a next try :-O11:13
kroddnSConstruct does not mention GiGiNet11:14
kroddndid you ever use a joystick on linux?11:14
kroddnI just downloaded Freespace 2 with a Babylon 5 campaign - but without joystick its not playable11:14
petermanin scons help i can see only sdlnet mentioned11:16
kroddnDid you run "scons configure" again?11:16
kroddnThe GiGiNet must have been removed between 6.7. nad 23.7 :-)11:17
kroddnhm, then delete the config.cache and all other config-related things11:17
petermanaaargh, that's right the day before i downloaded fo from svn :)11:17
kroddnI have a statically linux-version for download11:18
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tpb<$N> (at
petermanhmm i got only options.cache but not config.cache11:18
kroddnthen maybe run "scons --clean"11:20
kroddnI did a complete clean yesterday11:20
kroddnConfigure did not run through11:21
kroddnit just stopped11:21
kroddnlook at config.log11:21
kroddnthe last line must be:11:21
kroddnscons: Configure: Configuration successful...11:21
kroddnscons: Configure: (cached) yes11:21
kroddnIf you encounter the same problem as me, then maybe we should submit a bug-report11:24
kroddn.sconf_temp/conftest_16 did not run the last time i tried, i had to do some manual work11:24
petermanChecking for pkg-config... yes11:25
petermanChecking for GiGiSDL >= 0.6.0... yes11:25
petermanChecking for C++ header file boost/shared_ptr.hpp... yes11:25
petermanChecking Boost version >= 1.34... (cached) yes11:25
petermanChecking for C++ header file boost/graph/dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp... yes11:25
petermanLooking for boost lib boost_serialization...11:25
petermanChecking for boost::archive::binary_iarchive::is_saving() in C++ library boost_serialization... no11:25
petermanChecking for boost::archive::binary_iarchive::is_saving() in C++ library boost_serialization-mt... no11:25
petermanBoost configuration... (cached) no11:25
petermanand config.log says:11:25
petermang++ -o .sconf_temp/conftest_6 -pthread .sconf_temp/conftest_6.o -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lpython2.5 -lGiGiSDL -lSDL -lGiGiNet -lIL -lILU -lILUT -lGiGi11:25
peterman/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGiGiNet11:25
petermancollect2: ld returned 1 exit status11:25
kroddng++ -o .sconf_temp/conftest_6 -pthread .sconf_temp/conftest_6.o -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lpython2.4 -lGiGiSDL -lIL -lILU -lILUT -lGiGi -lboost_signals -lboost_filesystem -lGL -lGLU -lfreetype -lz -lboost_serialization -lboost_thread11:26
kroddnthe giginet is not mentioned on my configure11:26
kroddncan you do a grep for GiGiNet on the SVN-Root?11:27
kroddni mean "grep GiGiNet *"11:27 CreateGiGiNetPCFile(target, source, env):11:28
petermanthe only place where GiGiNet is directly mentioned11:28
kroddnthen you must have some trash in your working copy11:28
kroddnpkg-config --libs GiGiSDL11:29
petermanbut it's fresh checkout from svn :(11:29
kroddnpkg-config --libs GiGi11:29
kroddndo this two11:29
kroddndoes that contain GiGiNet?11:30
petermanit returns' not info11:30
petermanno info11:30
kroddnbut thats that is used in conftest611:31
petermanoops sorry typo11:31
petermanpkg-config --libs GiGi11:32
peterman-pthread -L/usr/local/lib -lIL -lILU -lILUT -lGiGi -lboost_signals -lboost_filesystem -lGL -lGLU -lfreetype -lz11:32
petermanpkg-config --libs GiGiSDL11:32
peterman-pthread -L/usr/local/lib -lGiGiSDL -lSDL -lGiGiNet -lIL -lILU -lILUT -lGiGi -lboost_signals -lboost_filesystem -lGL -lGLU -lfreetype -lz11:32 yes, there is something about GiGiNet11:32
kroddnthan you did not install it right11:33
kroddnmaybe you have a mixture of GiGi-Installations11:33
petermanhmm, maybe there a change that i screwed up something when i was palying with building a deb package :-/ i' have a look on it11:34
kroddnyour command mentions /usr/local/lib11:35
kroddnthats not a place where debian goes :-)11:35
petermanyep ,there's the place where scons install puts it, but then ai made a deb package where's that's in a right place11:36
kroddngo to the GG dir and make "scons uninstall"11:36
petermanjust doing ;)11:37
kroddnbut maybe you have to use a clean version for that11:37
kroddnyou'll have much more fun untill you can run the game *g*11:37
kroddnbe careful to use the latest graphviz11:37
kroddnI used 2.12-311:38
petermanaaah, much better now, there was one forgotten file before i made the package :-(11:39
petermanthank's a lot, i'm dumb :)11:39
kroddnjust hilight me if you have questions :-)11:40
kroddnWhich debian are u using?11:40
petermanbtw before i met the Free Orion project, i and some friends were approaching to start our own project on t-b-s in orion-style11:40
petermani run kubuntu - gutsy, i left the original debian last year when my old laptop died11:42
kroddnThe version i linked runs fine on kubuntu, just download :-)11:42
petermanthanks, i'll try :)11:43
kroddnit's the latest releae, only some newer pics are missing11:44
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kroddnoMobilpeterman: does it work?12:45
petermansorry i jut tried to go on with the correct installation of gigi and it worked, i will try the build later, thanks a lot!12:47
kroddnoMobilIf you manage to get a version compiled, you won't need my version :-)12:50
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petermankroddnoMobil: compilation succeded so, than you again :)15:16
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