Monday, 2025-01-27

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famubu[m]Okay so himaechel is intended to be a common api for all boards?04:15
famubu[m]I wonder what's the meaning of himbaechel..04:15
tpbTitle: Himbächel Viaduct (Beerfelden, 1881) | Structurae (at
famubu[m]I guess I'm missing some history about that structure, but how is it relevant to nextpnr?04:59
famubu[m]Also, I tried using nextpnr-himbaechel and ran into something.05:00
famubu[m]I was trying a simple ring adder like this:05:00
tpbTitle: View paste FNNA (at
famubu[m](I've included the yosys and nextpnr commands used as comments at the05:00
famubu[m]end of this paste.)05:00
famubu[m]I synthesised with yosys and then tried `nextpnr-himbaechel`. But that05:00
famubu[m]gave `No Fmax available; no interior timing paths found in design`.05:00
famubu[m]But upon trying nextpnr-gowin, I'm getting Max frequency for clock 'clk_IBUF_I_O': 290.53 MHz (PASS at 27.00 MHz)05:00
famubu[m]Why is the `nextpnr-himbaechel` command not finding Fmax?05:00
famubu[m]Am I using it wrong for gowin?05:00
famubu[m]<famubu[m]> "I guess I'm missing some history..." <- Just saw that the changelog mentions it: ' following the footsteps of Viaduct to also lower the barrier to entry to develop nextpnr support for devices'05:29
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