Monday, 2024-10-21

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tntQuick question. For context, I'm working on techn mapping for iHP PDK. Can yosys produce $_DLATCH_N_ even if there is no techmap for it ?  I thought it would only use what was defined ?16:54
loftytnt: do you mean as input to dfflibmap?16:56
loftyLike, sure, Yosys can produce them - even though they're extremely rare in practice - but it can't currently map latches to liberty cells 16:57
tntMmm, ok, I was under the misatek impression thatif you have a map for _DLATCH_NN0_  but not for _DLATCH_N_ , then yosys would use the former by iteself to implement the latter.17:02
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loftytnt: not entirely mistaken; you're probably thinking of the behaviour of the `dfflegalize` pass, which can implement simpler flops in terms of more complicated ones.17:05
tntbut I guess this doesn't work for latches ?17:06
loftytnt: it does work for latches17:07
tntMmm ... well then I'm wondering why I was ending up with unmapped _DLATCH_N_ when I have a map for _DLATCH_NN0_17:07
loftyDid you call dfflegalize?17:09
tntNo hits for dfflegalize in the synth script from ORFS. That might be it ?17:09
loftyIs there a call to dfflibmap?17:09
loftydfflibmap calls dfflegalize behind the scenes, but only for the cells it inferred17:12
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so-offishIs Yosys' creation of SMT2 files deterministic?23:27

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