Thursday, 2024-09-05

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*** Adrien[m] <Adrien[m]!adrienpbma@2a01:4f8:c012:5b7:0:1:0:7e> has joined #yosys09:32
Adrien[m]Hi Guys, I've hit an issue with yosys techmap for Xilinx :09:32
Adrien[m]`/usr/bin/../share/yosys/xilinx/cells_map.v:151: ERROR: Signal `\A' with invalid width range -1!`09:32
Adrien[m]s/`\/'\\/, s/!`/!\`/09:32
Adrien[m]I'm not sure this originates from my design or if it's a Yosys issue.09:34
Adrien[m]Is there a specific message to look for in Yosys log to get a candidate hint ?09:34
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Adrien[m]Next issue : Yosys plainly rejects designs that use task `$fatal`14:30
Adrien[m](actually these occurrences are generated from ghdl from conversions of asserts)14:30
Adrien[m]Shouldn't these be just ignored instead ?14:30
Adrien[m]Yosys error message is : ERROR: Can't resolve task name '$fatal'14:31
*** FabM <FabM!~FabM@armadeus/team/FabM> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)19:22
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