Monday, 2024-07-22

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bjorkint0shhow is FPGA hardware off topic, Adrien[m]?11:07
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Adrien[m]If we succeed in having these designs synthesized, placed and routed with only FOSS tools, then it is rather well in yosys topic indeed :D11:57
Adrien[m]I would so much appreciate a demonstration PCIe design with only FOSS tools, for board ZC706, VC709, or VCU12811:59
Adrien[m]Funding available for dev/research engineer on an FPGA project.12:05
Adrien[m]Certainly some time could be dedicated to make this happen.12:05
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bjorkint0shAdrien[m]: who's splurging?14:15
Adrien[m]French national research agency.14:38
bjorkint0shopen only to locals, isn't it?14:39
Adrien[m]Probably some priority France/Europe/World applies to sort applications.14:55
Adrien[m]I would like to say open to the world, but no doubt defense reasons makes it closed or extra difficult in conditions known only to govt14:55
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juri_Adrien[m]: EU based, but let me get my legs under me. still reading ZipCPU's blog. ;)20:28
juri_ZipCPU: hush you. :P20:30
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