Sunday, 2023-10-08

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Myrl-sakiHow do I make $lsl/$lsr not take 50% of my design? lol07:17
tntMyrl-saki: you need hardware multiplier for that :)07:18
tntHow wide is the datapath ?07:18
Myrl-saki32-bit, and yes! I'm actually considering figuring out how to get DSP block to work for Gowin lol07:19
Myrl-sakiI think it's because Yosys is hyperoptimizing for latency, but I don't think it's even needed.07:21
tntShoudl be ... ~224 LUT4s if my math is correct.07:22
Myrl-sakiI used to be able to use LUT4 for the shifters only, and use any LUTs everywhere elses.07:22
Myrl-sakiBut now, even if I techmap to abc it, it gets relutted(?) later.07:22
Myrl-sakiI guess I could just not use synth_gowin?07:22
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Myrl-sakiAh whoops07:25
Myrl-sakiSo I did spam, sorry.07:25
Myrl-sakiMeant to send this instead.07:25
Myrl-saki     MUX2_LUT5                     47707:25
Myrl-saki     MUX2_LUT6                     22107:25
Myrl-saki     MUX2_LUT7                      6907:25
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Myrl-sakiHuh weird.07:25
lofty[08:21:42]  Myrl-saki: I think it's because Yosys is hyperoptimizing for latency, but I don't think it's even needed. <--- actually no, it's really not07:25
Myrl-sakiI think Weechat's broken lol07:25
loftyYosys turns multiplies into shift-and-add, which is generally the fastest way to map them on modern FPGAs without DSPs07:27
Myrl-sakiThis is taking 50% of my design07:30
Myrl-saki25% each shifter, I'm guessing.07:30
tntUsually you would only use one shifter. And then reverse the bits at the input/output of it. Less costly than 2 full shifters.07:31
Myrl-sakiOh yeah, that's true.07:31
loftyYeah, one transforms left shifts into right shifts and back again07:32
Myrl-sakiThanks, how about the asr/lsr toggling?07:34
loftyIf your shifter takes in the bits to fill, then for ASR it's the sign bit, and for LSR it's zero07:35
Myrl-sakiI'm just using `>>` and >>>`. I'm guessing `opt` will just be able to figure out to merge them?07:36
loftyI don't know, actually.08:06
Myrl-sakiThanks. :) FIgured something out I think.08:12
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