Friday, 2023-08-25

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Adrien[m]Back to the discussion about mapping and ABC08:48
Adrien[m]There is a feature request I opened some time ago in Yosys repo, about optimizing combinatorial logic when all inputs can fit in one level of LUTs08:48
Adrien[m]I am still trying to understand if this should be a task for yosys, or for ABC08:51
Adrien[m]Certainly someone in this channel has clear understanding of the boundaries between yosys and ABC and could explain this to me ?08:51
Adrien[m]I may be able to assign an intern to this development, if only I could see through these software stacks a bit more clearly :D08:52
corecodeis your proposal a simple (hierarchical) karnaugh map type thing?09:48
corecodedoes it have to use a hierarchy?09:49
Adrien[m]Yes, complete conversion of the component instance to plain lookup tables09:50
Adrien[m]That optim is also called memoization in software compilation field, if I'm correct09:50
Adrien[m]The hierarchy proides the boundaries of interest, provided by the developer09:51
Adrien[m]To cope with inexistent or insufficient cut-searching-algorithm in mapping tools09:51
Adrien[m]in that case, yosys and whatever backent mapping tools it is using.09:51
corecodei think it's a good option.  doesn't have to be a standard pass10:24
corecodehave it operate on the hierarchy, run it before the tree is flattened10:25
corecoderather than annotating boundaries and rediscovering them10:26
loftyAdrien[m]: I would disagree with your proposal, actually.10:35
loftySuppose Yosys performs this transformation10:36
loftyABC and especially ABC9 flows work in and-inverter graph form10:37
loftySo when Yosys has to give the design to ABC, it has to blow the LUT back into gates10:37
loftyWhich is not that different from representing it as gates to begin with10:38
corecodeso how can it be done10:39
loftyIt can't.10:39
loftyIf you make this optimisation you have to compromise at the Yosys/ABC boundary somehow 10:39
loftyEither you blow the LUT to gates10:39
corecodethat's silly tho to say that this optimization cannot be done10:40
corecodemaybe it can't be done with the current structure10:40
loftySee, saying things like "it's silly to say this cannot be done" is the kind of thing that gets you a brusque "patches welcome" in response10:41
loftyso instead of ignoring my experience in the area would you like to rephrase?10:41
corecodecan ports be marked to have an opportunistic cutting point for lut mapping later?10:41
corecodewhy not?10:41
loftyYou can't communicate this to ABC10:42
corecodenono, through10:42
loftyLet me guess10:42
corecodedoes the lut mapping happen in abc?10:42
whitequark[cis]you know, a long time ago I was told that a LUT mapper other than abc cannot be done10:42
corecodewhitequark[cis]: and?10:42
whitequark[cis]and then it turned out that a nearly trivial pass converting fine gates to small LUTs and then combining those small LUTs into bigger ones gets you somewhere in the ballpark of abc. I think it was about 2x area and slightly lower Fmax10:43
loftyYour proposal is that Yosys instead does LUT mapping, which runs into the issue that you cannot then pass information into ABC; *all* optimisations would have to be entirely in Yosys 10:43
corecodeso what needs to happen to communicate this to abc?10:44
whitequark[cis]I think there's a lot of area to be explored in LUT mapping rather than defeatingly accepting that it can only be done by abc10:44
loftyPerhaps I should better say that to do this would be a serious effort requiring multiple people10:44
whitequark[cis](I've attempted to explore it but at the time my health took a nosedive and so my attempt remains in the Yosys tree but it's not really usable)10:45
loftywhitequark[cis]: ABC's algorithms are state of the art. I'm all for reinventing the wheel to learn how wheels are made, but to get up to ABC parity is a challenge.10:45
whitequark[cis]I like a challenge10:46
whitequark[cis]I think I'm not alone in that, too10:46
loftyI've been paid pretty good money to try to match ABC by myself10:46
loftyI failed.10:46
corecodeso can you modify abc?10:46
whitequark[cis]when I fail I stand up and try again10:47
whitequark[cis]eventually with enough persistence you succeed10:47
whitequark[cis]and advance the state of the art10:47
loftywhen I fail I look for different jobs that can put food on the table10:47
Adrien[m]You know I'm OK with a "patches welcome" answer :D10:48
Adrien[m]As long as I can get a few guidelines about what part of what tool is doing what, because I'm new to all these internals and probably won't have time to deep dive myself.10:48
loftyIf someone writes a priority cut mapping pass for Yosys, they have one piece of the optimisation triforce10:48
whitequark[cis]I'd like to see an improvement on abc (which by the way can compete with it not only in performance but also in usability) and it would be unfortunate if your failure discouraged others from doing it; so I'll do my best to encourage :)10:48
corecodewhy can't you add this to abc?10:48
loftyThe other two pieces are structural choices and sequential mapping10:48
loftycorecode: ABC's code is miserable to work with.10:49
loftyIt is C code trying to be C++10:49
whitequark[cis]it is also written by one person with a quirky style that's difficult to understand if you don't have his context in your head somehow10:50
corecodethats not a good reason not to try to implement something so seemingly trivial10:50
loftyYes, "seemingly trivial" is the thing10:51
whitequark[cis]there are very few tests; take a look at recent commits to abc and you'll see what I mean10:51
Adrien[m]In many proprietary tools there is support for tool-specific attributes that developers can add to the RTL, saying how this module or instance should be handled10:52
Adrien[m]We could be selective at least this way, about tabulating some components instances10:52
Adrien[m]BTW having proper handling of usual KEEP or DONT_TOUCH attributes would be much welcome, so there may be a broader context in which that tabulating feature would fit nicely.10:52
loftyABC is built up of a variety of "managers" which represent the netlist in different ways10:52
loftyThese are all highly optimised and fragile and there is little documentation on them10:52
loftyAdrien[m]: Yosys already natively supports (* keep *) though.10:53
Adrien[m]lofty: I've had issues with it, so I should have a new look to it if it's supposed to work10:54
jixyosys's (* keep *) just makes sure the signal stays around it doesn't prevent optimizations from rewriting the fan-out of that signal to not use it anymore10:55
loftycorecode: here is just one of those managers you will need to modify for your seemingly trivial task:
jixwhich is fine if you want to make sure you still have that signal in simulation or FV traces, but doesn't cover a lot of use cases people have10:55
loftywhitequark[cis]: my failure was educational to me and I would very much like to try again, but first I have to remove my association of the task with a very bad work environment.11:01
corecodeyea, it's code that does a lot of things11:01
loftycorecode: and now it must do even more11:02
corecodecould it go into another manager?11:02
corecodemaybe we should first figure out why it fails to get to the optimum solution11:02
corecodeand sometimes it does not11:03
corecodebut yea definitely looks like an abc task if you want to use abc11:03
loftyI think that might be a much easier problem to solve than trying to communicate things to ABC...11:03
loftyMy guess? There's probably a bug with how it handles whiteboxes.11:03
corecodeAdrien[m]: maybe that's a first task for an intern.  create several test cases that succeed/fail when trivial aspects are changed, and record all kinds of internal data from yosys and abc11:06
loftyI did my best to create a set of test cases in my own LUT mapper11:06
loftyThey're kind of painful to debug11:07
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Adrien[m]<jix> "yosys's (* keep *) just makes..." <- Aha yes indeed. And the DONT_TOUCH has the purpose of ensuring both "sides" of the signal are kept separate.11:52
Adrien[m]Originally I wanted to guide the yosys/abc mapper by putting such attributes where I intended to have my LUT boundaries, this is another way of guiding the mapper about where interesting boundaries are supposed to be.11:52
povik12:43 < whitequark[cis]> and then it turned out that a nearly trivial pass converting fine gates to small LUTs and then combining those small LUTs into bigger ones gets you somewhere in the ballpark of abc. I think it was about 2x area and slightly lower Fmax11:54
povikis that what flowmap is?11:54
Adrien[m]The DONT_TOUCH (if it's not implemented or honored yet) has rather same level of importance than the hierarchy boundary feature, to my feeling11:56
Adrien[m]Now I'm used to design my own netlist-level components, instantiate my LUTs, so that I can let automated toos yosys/abc handle the rest of the less-critical glue logic... it's extremely time-consuming !11:56
whitequark[cis]<povik> "12:43 < Catherine> and then it..." <- nono, flowmap is the more complicated one12:04
whitequark[cis]the simple one is a techmap file I don't quite recall how it's called plus the opt_lut pass12:04
whitequark[cis]I can dig it out for you later; busy right now12:04
whitequark[cis]the result was way better than what I thought it would be and it provided ample motivation to do something that wasn't completely trivial12:05
whitequark[cis]unfortunately for flowmap I completely fucked up the internal representation for the pass; it needs a complete rewrite12:05
whitequark[cis]I was working at the edge of my competency at the time and made a few design mistakes I didn't realize until much later12:06
povikwould the different representation improve QoR?12:06
whitequark[cis]"it's complicated"12:07
whitequark[cis]with a different representation flowmap-r (note the -r) would actually work properly, and we could get results and evaluate them comparing against abc12:07
poviki tested the toy priority cut mapper against flowmap also and it seemed easy to beat12:07
povikah, i don't think i invoked the -r variety12:07
whitequark[cis]so the reason I picked the flowmap paper is because it was the first one in my search results with an actual algorithm in it12:08
whitequark[cis]my approach to this problem was essentially "spray and pray"; implement a bunch of papers, understand the tradeoffs, then combine it all into something nice12:08
whitequark[cis]flowmap itself basically unusable as an algorithm, for more than 4-LUTs the runtime becomes intractable12:08
poviki was surprised how close i got to abc with they toy, if you haven't checked that already12:08
whitequark[cis]it was never intended to be the solution to replacing abc, it was just some thing I wrote and thought it could be useful to upstream12:09
whitequark[cis]povik: have not! got a link and some test results?12:09
povikthat's what we were discussing with lofty yesterday12:09
whitequark[cis]the reason I wrote flowmap is to pave the path to better LUT mapping essentially12:09
whitequark[cis]at the time, I talked to gatecat and they told me that they don't think replacing abc is feasible at all12:10
whitequark[cis]and I wanted to prove them wrong (in a friendly way)12:10
whitequark[cis]not only by getting some results myself but by inspiring others to try too12:10
whitequark[cis]toymap seems exciting!12:11
poviki wrote it over few days trying to make techmapping seem less magical12:13
povikwhen i saw it's cutting up an AIG in one of mischenko's paper i knew i wanted to try it myself12:14
whitequark[cis]very excited12:15
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jixI'd really love to see (experiments with) more use of e-graphs in synthesis to avoid pass order problems or problems with optimizations undoing some manually tuned parts of the design or just undoing good choices of prior optimizations ... I know that abc already supports choices but it's not clear to me where abc actually makes use of them and there's not really any such concept in yosys12:16
* povik googles e-graphs12:27
jixThe paper is a good intro and resparked their popularity but SMT solvers have been using e-graphs since forever12:29
tpbTitle: egg (at
povikok, printing that out for later12:30
povikuh, 33 pages12:30
jixthe basic idea is that instead of doing rewrites you keep the previous and new version around using something that you can think of as choice nodes but using a nice representation to work with and keep things relatively compact12:31
povikright, what would be called structural choices in papers related to abc12:31
jixexcept that AFAICT from using abc, it's not really embracing it and doesn't use an internal representation tuned to make heavy use of it12:32
poviki guess one way to see the effect of it is to re-import the aig just before lut mapping and compare the results12:33
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loftyjix: well, things like abc9 flow3 depend pretty heavily on structural choices, so it seems to work fairly well in my experience12:50
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jixlofty: I haven't looked at that in particular as I mostly do FV stuff, and for that a lot of stuff doesn't support them at all and IIRC also some of the aig to aig optimizations would just discard them12:52
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jixlofty: what's the corresponding paper to flow3 (if there is a specific one)?13:28
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corecodeso how does abc deal with LUT blocks?17:42
corecodei.e. when i use a target specific lut instance17:42
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povikyou mean if you explicitly instance a target-specific LUT cell in your design, then run abc synthesis?18:44
poviki think those will be treated as blackboxes, maybe abc9 can consider those properly in the timing model18:44
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corecodeso that could be used for Adrien's idea20:50
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Adrien[m]I very often instanciate bare LUTs, carry, DSP, RAMB18/36 etc in my RTL dsigns20:53
Adrien[m]just to obtain precisely what I want to obtain20:53
Adrien[m]yosys and whatever is behind seem to know that this exists as-in in the FPGA. 20:53
Adrien[m]and it is kept untouched in the design20:54
corecodeAdrien[m]: i mean a pass before abc that will turn sections into blackbox luts20:55
corecodethen abc can't optimize them away20:55
loftycorecode: blackbox cells are implemented by hiding them from ABC21:19
loftywhich means they can't be optimised away, but they also mislead ABC as to the actual length of the path21:20
Adrien[m]<lofty> "which means they can't be..." <- Good to know. Thanks for pointing this out.21:59
Adrien[m]Then it would be very useful that ABC recognizes the primitives from its input design.21:59
Adrien[m]Do you mean the the mapper has some form of taking timing into account to determine appropriate boundaries for what should be grouped into LUTs ?22:01
Adrien[m]and if that is the case, does it try to favor the critical paths in priority ?22:03
Adrien[m]Finding documentation for abc internals does not seem easy...22:12
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lofty[19:44:49]  povik: i think those will be treated as blackboxes, maybe abc9 can consider those properly in the timing model <--- you could treat them as whiteboxes, I suppose22:22
lofty[23:01:21]  Adrien[m]: Do you mean the the mapper has some form of taking timing into account to determine appropriate boundaries for what should be grouped into LUTs ? <--- yes, either LUT level or timing information provided to ABC (which is what forms ABC9)22:24
lofty[23:03:39]  Adrien[m]: and if that is the case, does it try to favor the critical paths in priority ? <--- yes22:24
loftyThe priority cut algorithm will always provide a depth-optimal result (modulo bugs)22:25

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