Saturday, 2023-07-29

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somloI'm packaging yosys for fedora (where bundling is strongly discouraged).19:44
somloI can build the latest yosys (commit b04d0e0) without any problems against19:44
somloabc built from upstream commit 66a5fe7 (in f38), but one of the aiger checks19:44
somlois failing when I use commit e61194b (in rawhide/f39):19:44
somlomake[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/yosys-b04d0e09e83102e14a53bb8b8dcc8c35f63b2fbe/tests/opt'19:44
somlocd tests/aiger && bash "-A /usr/bin/abc"19:44
somloChecking and_.aag.19:44
somloChecking buffer.aag.19:44
somloChecking false.aag.19:44 line 19: 31937 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) $abcprog -q "read -c ${aag%.*}.aig; write ${aag%.*}_ref.v"19:44
somloI'm guessing the problem is caused by one of the 28 commits by which upstream19:44
somlois ahead of the "vendored" yosyshq/abc (or rather the 23 commit subset thereof19:44
somloending with e61194b).19:44
somloBefore I go the "maximum effort" route and blindly try them all, does anything19:44
somlolook like a good candidate to the eye of a trained expert? :)19:44
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somloguess I'll bisect upstream commits [039f05c ... e61194b] (everything newer than the vendored yosyshq/abc that's in f39/rawhide), and maybe find the "landmine" :)20:21
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tntpretty sure that not using the specific abc version specified in yosys is a NO NO.20:43
somlotnt: it's been working great for several years, so there's that :) Besides, I feel this is a landmine worth defusing for if/when the "vendored" abc is updated/rebased to upstream20:52
somlotnt: for context, yosyshq/abc is rather minimally divergent from (currently 50-something commits ahead, 28 commits behind) upstream, which to mee is a good sign that important changes are still being pushed 20:55
somlothe alternative (completely fork it and stop tracking upstream) would be what would prompt me to give up and go with the "vendored" version, but that doesn't seem to be what's happening20:56
somlobut in that case, I'd expect a replacement or rewrite, rather than a mere (bit-rotting) fork :)20:57
tntWell yosys updates their vendored in regularely ... but they also know what they're doing and what those patches they carry over are for and why they're there.20:58
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whitequarksomlo: packagers never seem to understand "this specific configuration is supported and others are not"...23:05
whitequarklike if you're willing to become an expert in abc's quirks, godspeed, but if you aren't, then why are you expecting others to do the work you invented out of thin air for you?23:05
somlowhitequark: I may be mistaken, but it *seems* yosyshq/abci *is* after all tracking upstream abc in some sort of fashion. In that case, I found a potential issue y'all might be running into when rebasing at some future point (you're welcome, btw). I figured it's worth a quick question, but I'm happy to bisect the upstream commits that are *not* in yosyshq/abc and find which one is going to cause the problem :)23:28
whitequarkit's more about getting bug reports and then discovering that the bug is caused by using an unsupported version of abc23:29
whitequarkthis is one of the reasons why Glasgow defaults to pulling Yosys+abc+nextpnr from instead of using the system one...23:30
tpbTitle: YoWASP | Unofficial WebAssembly-based packages for Yosys, nextpnr, and more (at
somloI'm actually hoping some brave soul will *properly* fork ABC and allow everyone to just switch to the *one true dependency* (instead of this balkanized proliferation of half-assed forks we have now, apparently ;P )23:34

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