Friday, 2023-05-19

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arkanoidhello! I'm a newbie handling yosys for the first time. By reading the manual/docs I'm not fully understanding the difference between `synth` script and `prep` script. Would you please try to explain it to me in simple terms?02:47
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Guest45Running ABC command: "<yosys-exe-dir>/yosys-abc" -s -f <abc-temp-dir>/abc.script 2>&104:16
Guest45ABC: ABC command line: "source <abc-temp-dir>/abc.script".04:16
Guest45ABC: + read_blif <abc-temp-dir>/input.blif04:16
Guest45ABC: + read_lib -w /home/dgkim/library/asap7.lib04:16
Guest45ABC: Parsing finished successfully.  Parsing time =     0.42 sec04:16
Guest45ABC: Library "asap7sc7p5t_AO_RVT_FF_nldm_211120" from "/home/dgkim/library/asap7.lib" has 42 cells (0 skipped: 0 seq; 0 tri-state; 0 no func; 0 dont_use).  Time =     0.50 sec04:16
Guest45ABC: Memory =   82.29 MB. Time =     0.50 sec04:16
Guest45ABC: Warnings: genlib library reader cannot detect the buffer gate.04:16
Guest45ABC: Some parts of the supergate-based technology mapper may not work correctly.04:16
Guest45ABC: Warnings: genlib library reader cannot detect the invertor gate.04:16
Guest45ABC: Some parts of the supergate-based technology mapper may not work correctly.04:16
Guest45ABC: Warnings: genlib library reader cannot detect the AND2, NAND2, OR2, and NOR2 gate.04:16
Guest45ABC: Some parts of the supergate-based technology mapper may not work correctly.04:16
Guest45ABC: + strash04:16
Guest45ABC: + &get -n04:16
Guest45ABC: + &fraig -x04:16
Guest45ABC: + &put04:16
Guest45how to solve it?04:16
Guest45I have BUF, AND2,NAND2,etc.. in .lib04:17
jevinskie[m]<so-offish> "jevinskie: What are you using..." <- I was probably going to use IDA scripted from the command line and just have it decompile the whole binary to C and then run some regexes over the C. Binja would be good too but I don’t have a headless license. I don’t even want to look into what it takes to get ghidra to spit out a C file from the command line.05:22
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loftyarkanoid: `prep` is mostly for formal verification: simple, relatively straightforward transformations that don't majorly change the design07:59
lofty`synth` is for ASIC/FPGA synthesis; here things like technology mapping and such occur.08:00
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arkanoidlofty: thanks!10:40
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kittennbfiveHello! I have noticed that there is a "-full" flag for the "opt" pass, but it isn't used for synth_ecp5. I hacked replacing "opt" by "opt -full" and it seems to increase the maximum speed for my design by about 5-15MHz. Is this just luck or ... ? Is there a reason there isn't a -fullopt flag or similar for synth_ecp5?21:29
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loftykittennbfive: I mean, `opt` gets called a lot of times. normally it's just used for cleanup though.23:23
kittennbfiveThe strange thing is that if i add -full to the other opt-passes the maximum frequency goes down... But this is not a scientific experiment, just some random fiddling around...23:28

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