Thursday, 2023-02-23

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marexHi, looking at , do I understand it right that yosys is now able to assemble a bitstream for altera pre-alm FPGAs ? :O00:29
marexentirely without quartus ?00:29
whitequarkit only did synthesis and it kind of doesn't anymore, that techlib is very old and I think untested01:01
marexwhitequark: oh, so, where do I find out which FPGAs are actually fully supported, so I know what to buy and what to avoid ?01:02
marexthe ice40 is obvious, maybe the gatemate is also OK ? but what else ?01:02
mwkit's.... actually tested, with a big red QA FAIL stamped on it01:03
whitequarkice40, ecp501:03
marexah right, ecp5 too01:03
whitequarkgowin, I think?01:03
marexI recall seeing something for that too01:04
marexI got confused by the altera stuff, since I think rqou worked on it here01:04
whitequarknexus if you can find those01:04
marexand it seems the evil/ subdir would indicate that err ... well, it might be possible to read out the FPGA topologies from quartus data files, just by parsing those01:04
marexI'm not quite sure how that is license-wise, it might be dubious01:05
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marexwhitequark: can I somehow grep the sources to find out what is supported now ?01:07
whitequarkyou can look at nextpnr's README01:09
whitequarksince nextpnr is what actually makes the bitstream01:09
marexahhh, that is what I was looking for, thanks !01:09
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jnHi, i have a question about prjtrellis and MachXO2: what's a "row span"?  (as seen in
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