Thursday, 2023-01-26

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bl0x_btw, is there any experience with the Cologne Chip FPGAs from Germany? They seem to use Yosys in their standard toolchain + a custom PnR.09:21
trabucayrebl0x_: ?10:12
trabucayrelast toolchain is a bit more stable10:17
tntbl0x_: no experience yet, but according to UPS I should have a dev kit in a few hours :)10:43
bl0x_tnt: what is the price for one? I requested a quote but no answer yet.10:50
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tntbl0x_: I have no idea sorry :/10:55
tntAh nm, it's 234 EUR10:56
tntit's on digikey.10:56
tntsearch for CCGM1A1-E1-31B10:56
trabucayrebl0x_: I have to finish with :-/10:59
trabucayretnt: you must replace ALL jumpers to avoid regulators issue11:01
tnttrabucayre: replace all jumpers ?11:12
trabucayreeval board has jumper like:
trabucayreI better to use something like:
trabucayreto avoid reboot11:14
bl0x_tnt: thanks13:03
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dormitoHmm. I just noticed that a recent (last ~ 14 days) sby (symbiyosys) seems to now be driving yosys incorrectly: get complaints that "formalff -setundef -clk2ff -ff2anyinit -hierarchy" has an unknown option.13:57
jix_dormito: it should work with the latest yosys14:29
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foxfromabysshi! I am currently using yosys to get systemverilog files elaborated and then fed into nextpnr for a xilinx board. That part works, even though I am using a couple of vendor specific primitives. However, as part of the design flow, I wanted to get `write_cxxrtl` to run. It sadly fails with `External blackbox cell `BUFGCE' is not marked as a CXXRTL22:05
foxfromabyssblackbox.`. I am at a loss as to how to configure a specific module to be blackboxed. I've tried to include the BUFGCE unisim source file from the vivado libs, but that didn't work. I am honestly at a loss at this stage and would appreciate any sort of pointers/directions :)22:05
foxfromabysshere's how I am invoking it: `yosys -q -L ${BUILDDIR}/yosys.log -m systemverilog -p "read_systemverilog -defer ${SOURCES}; read_systemverilog -link; hierarchy -top rvlab_fpga_top; synth_xilinx; write_cxxrtl test.cpp"`22:06
foxfromabysshere's how I am invoking it: `yosys -q -L ${BUILDDIR}/yosys.log -m systemverilog -p "read_systemverilog -defer ${SOURCES}; read_systemverilog -link; hierarchy -top fpga_top; synth_xilinx; write_cxxrtl test.cpp"`22:06
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