Sunday, 2022-07-31

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SeekerOfKnowlegeHello I was wondering if yosys has support for all xilinx spartan 7 fpgas. Also where would the supported architectures be in the yosys documentation?04:54
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loftyWell, the seeker of knowledge will now never know05:23
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pepijndevos[m]Catherine: does this look like a yowasp, wasmtime, nextpnr, or apicula bug to you?
whitequarkwill look in a few hours, ping me if i forget10:25
pepijndevos[m]<SeekerOfKnowlege> "Hello I was wondering if yosys..." <- relatedly... project x-ray isn't in the wiki yet
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ikskuhheya! o/16:58
ikskuhis there a example of how to use ecp5 IO primitives with yosys directly? instead of inferring them? such as open collector/push-pull/...16:59
rowang077[m]ikskuh: I'm not sure if they are inferred. I don't think so. 19:41
rowang077[m]You can manually instantiate them using the primitive outlined in file:///home/rowan.goemans/Downloads/FPGALibrariesReferenceGuide33.pdf19:42
rowang077[m]Ah wrong link... 19:45
ikskuhah thanks <319:46
ikskuhi'll check it out19:46
rowang077[m]Example usage:
ikskuhso what i wanna do is use the OBZ primitive19:48
ikskuhbut how do i connect it to an output?19:48
rowang077[m]The OBZ primitive is not available for the ECP5 FPGA21:16
rowang077[m]ikskuh: See the Architectures supported. ECP5 has something similar though the BB primitive21:16
rowang077[m]Or BBPD/BBPU depending on your exact use case21:17
rowang077[m]Scratch that you are right this is available for the ECP521:18
rowang077[m]I was confused because I assumed bidrectionality. 21:18
rowang077[m]Anyway what you want to do is instantiate the OBZ primitive connect O to the wire that maps to your FPGA output. Connect I to the driver and connect ~OutputEnable21:19
rowang077[m]to T 21:19
rowang077[m]So the truth table in the document21:20
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