Monday, 2022-07-04

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mwkyeah, we're working on proper docs00:05
mwkit's a fairly new thing00:06
lampso er00:26
lampif i would like this to be parameterizable00:26
lampcan i somehow like...programmatically generate narrow ports to stick together?00:26
mwkgenerate-for works, as usual00:27
mwkor normal for with const bounds, in a proess00:27
lampah right, sry00:27
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Guest15Hi, is anyone running yosys on windows? If I try to run it then I get no output and it just closes again. Running it with strace in MinGW tells me that a few threads exited with return code 1 but no more info. Does anyone have a hint?10:59
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somlogatecat: both trellis ( and nextpnr ( fail to build on the upcoming Fedora with Python 3.11. Apparently it's because of the bundled pybind11. I tried building against the unbundled pybind11 2.9.2 shipping in Fedora rawhide (-DPYBIND11_INCLUDE_DIR="/usr/include/bybind11/" on the cmake build command line) but that didn't seem to have any effect...15:16
tpbTitle: Invalid Bug ID (at
gatecatsomlo: have you tried replacing the vendored pybind11? otherwise I can look at this but it might be tomorrow now 15:20
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somlogatecat: haven't tried replacing pybind11 myself -- haven't looked closely inside the repo before, so not sure how much moore complex it would be beyond removing a directory and untar-ing sometihng in its place :)17:23
somloI also won't have a chance to look into it till tomorrow, there's non-computer related things happening around me today :)17:23
gatecathopefully it's just that too17:24
gatecatsame for me tonight...17:24
somloif you don't get there before me, I'd also be interested in making it possible to build against an external library. fedora (still, for now) seems to like it that way, and it's one of the reasons I (still, for now) like fedora :D17:25
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somlogatecat: had a bit of unexpected quiet time, so: and
somloI'm expecting just bumping the bundled/vendored pybind11 should also work, but IMHO it's nice to have the option to use either that or to humour distros like fedora which prefer using their own packaged dependencies :)22:01
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